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Hello everyone! With the holidays coming up, I have started giving some thought to traveling with Piper for 2-3 day stays at a time. The aviary that we purchased her from offers boarding, but the space is limited and I would much rather prefer her to come with us if possible.

I have been looking at the following travel cage, because if she is going to have to be gone for a few days I want her to have something as roomy as possible: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ALUMINIUM-PARROT-TRAVEL-CAGE-ATM2029-bird-BRONZE-cages-cat-dog-carrier-toy-toys-/350494172077?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item519b14a3ad . What do you guys think of the kings cage travel versions, and do you have any other good travel cage experiences?


How do you guys travel with your birds? Any suggestions? Thanks :)

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While I've only had a Grey for about.... 50 to 60 hours I've been quite focused on traveling with our Sennie in various ways and tried quite a few options. I own the mini and medium size of the king's cage. We use them as sleep cages. I've never seen the big one but the medium one is not light weigh. The handle on top is to flimsy to feel secure holding it one handed. These cages are really well made, maybe too well. You could probably get something roomier and weighing the same for the same or less money. Not that you can go wrong with these. We like to keep our birds among the family we visit so they don't feel left out. Some of the more skittish people do not like them out of the cage. So we like to use the cheaper wire cage since it's far easier to move from room to room and keep near the action. It's something to consider if there are children involved. Though I wouldn't leave them in it since the latch and coating are questionable.

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I have three of the same cages as Judy showed you. Last year, Gilbert was in his for four months off and on while we were staying with a sick friend. He was fine, but since he can't fly, I put some of the rope perches with wire in them in different configurations so he could climb outside the cage and have more space to move around. We just went on a week long trip and he and Java stayed in these cages. Two fit well in the car, I keep the third one folded up just in case we were to have any issue with the cages and have a spare to switch out. We got ours at a bird fair and they were only twenty dollars each so it was convenient to get an extra. One thing that I had an issue with is the springs on the hooks that keep the end pieces in place when we assemble the cage. Gilbert was taking the springs out and I was concerned that he might be able to get the latch open and it could drop down and trap him. So, that is why I took the third cage along. Plus, I took small zip ties and once the cage is up, I securely fasten the zip ties along the top edge of the cage as an extra precaution. Both our parrots love to travel and I feel like this is a roomy travel cage and they are secure with supervision and precautions. They are lightweight and I can carry both of them at the same time.

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