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He's Arrived! Working Title Grey

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So it's been 3 years in the making but I've finally got a grey. His name is still pending. According to my girlfriend I have till 3pm tomorrow to decide. That's when we go to the vet and have put something on paper. For the moment I thought I'd share a few bits from today.


We both had half days at work and picked him up at 3pm. We took a train to the airport. Both station and airport were a zoo of people headed somewhere for the holiday weekend. We tracked the flight the whole way. Smart phones probably exacerbate OCD behavior, but it's pretty cool to sit in a cafe and know which state your precious cargo is over.


We got him in the traditional air crate carrier and went back the way we came. This guy may be only 4 months old but he's already rode on trains, planes, and automobiles. During which, he started to make small chirps, whistles and unidentifiable grumbles. We got him home and literally cut him out of the carrier. The carrier had been zip-tied closed at 4 points on the door.




I was expecting him to take his time leaving his carrier and also to be wary of us and take his time to letting us handle him. It was the exact opposite! He bolted out of there as soon as there was a space big enough. Not only that he flew straight for shoulder. I was debating whether to let him on my shoulder. It seems I don't have a choice now. I'm going to try and get him to be on my knee or chest height more.



Please ignore the ugly human.


After a while on my shoulder and a flight or two to my girlfriend he took water and a pellet or two (all while on my shoulder) and had no interest in exploring the cage we had setup. We hung out in the bedroom for a bit and suddenly I feel the weight on my shoulder becoming lighter. He had scaled a hoody draped over the headboard. Sat on top of the headboard and preened.




Eventually, we approached the cage and he didn't show any hesitant signs so we got him to step up and he went straight for the foraging sphere we had hung in there and then proceeded to another colorful toy that was brand new to him.




We got some fresh food in him and ourselves. We also popped something bubbly to celebrate. He found the bubbles extremely interesting. Towards the end of the night (for him) he started exploring the playtop of his cage and sat on the corner facing out and surveyed his new digs. This kind of careful observation was more or less all I expected on a first day home after such a travel ordeal. Eventually he decided that the toy hook was a good place to perch on since it was highest.

At some point he made some phone calls while playing with my phone which he honed in on pretty quick.


Looonnngg story short, he's here and so far I'm really happy with how much I can handle him already. All of this and more happened in a very short period of time. Thanks for reading this epic. I'd write out more but I need to sleep. Day two starts soon enough.

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Congrats on getting your baby home a couple of days earlier than planned and its wonderful he has surprised you so far but be prepared for him to be more cautious of new stuff as he gets older. Heres to the beginning of a magnificent start of the next chapter in your life and may it be all you hoped for, looking forward to finding out what his new name is, thanks for the pictures.

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Wow, what an adventure! I can only imagine how exciting is was waiting at the airport for him and tracking his trip. I sounds like you are making great progress. Seems like stubbornness is a trait of the breed, but that is part of their charm. LOL to the high places. Just know that inside he is laughing at you as you try to navigate to him (silly landlocked parronts) ;) Thanks for the great pics and looking forward to more. Good luck and God bless! :)

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Thanks I'm aware this may be a honey moon period of sorts. He's already causing trouble. Targeting high spots we don't want him on. The toy hook on the play top is currently his favorite spot to perch. He's quite stubborn but doesn't mind being handled.


Your not alone in your feather baby liking the toy hook. Jake just loves his toy hook. I didn't like the one that came with the cage, it was to high, so I bought a stainless one at the bird fair. Jake liked it so much I bought another for the other side of the cage. Mine are stainless with a bracket on the bottom and I was able to place it where the cage top and play top screw together.

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Congrats, he's a cutie. Darwin (home 2 weeks now and 18 weeks old) also loves his toy hook. I just stand on a stool to reach him but since he's flighted usually asking him to "come fly" will get him down by himself. If he's being stubborn I just say "Ok, bye" and walk away and he realizes I left him alone and he sets off to find me...lol. Enjoy, its an interesting ride, I had forgotten how much fun it is to have a baby around, its been 20 years since the last time I did this.

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It's official. A perch was held to my head and I picked a name. So without further ado let me introduce to you, Elwood.


Here he is experiencing Central Park for the first time. We'll probably get a carrier better for walking around soon.


In other news we saw our avian vet who was quite impressed with him and commended the breeder he came from. I won't have the lab work back for a few days but he checks out on the initial exam. Weighed in around 440.

Edited by FirstPenguin
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[QUParrots fchck;266848]Very cool! Who was the breeder? There is one here who i adore, her name is Lou and i have been to her place several times now. I like to go there just to ewww and awwww. Lol


Her name is Wendy Craig. Google Wendy's Parrots. She's got a website with her take on each species which is worth reading in my opinion.


Does anyone have a recommendation for ways to interact with a very willful stubborn fledgling. Sometimes he only wants to be on the highest spot in the room. I've been letting him play with foot toys on top of our bookcase. Doesn't have much desire to come down from there and I don't want to force him unless I have to.


I've also given up getting a get a grip net. I had found a store owner out of the area that has old stock but she's being difficult to deal with and keeps putting me off for a few days at a time. I discovered an article on how to make your own. Any thoughts on where to source Manila rope locally or what would be a good alternative?

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Welcome Elwood! It's always good to hear a good vet report and always such a relief. No help here on the rope question, I don't have the expertise. No experience with fledglings either, so hopefully some of the experienced members will weigh in on the interaction question. If Elwood was an older, rehomed bird I'd say give him lots of time and let him set the pace. Keep the pics coming, I love looking at them :)

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[Qingy;266870]It looks like Parrot and Conure World has cotton and palm nets in stock http://birdsupplysales.ashopcart.com/catalogue.php?exp=28|55|67|&cat=70&shop=1


Thanks. But I feel like 3/8 inch rope is a little light for a CAG and that's the thickest they have. It's also the small side. This is why I'm exploring making one I'm aware of the cotton one called the OG Crawler which We may opt for if DIY doesn't work out.

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[Qingy;266870]It looks like Parrot and Conure World has cotton and palm nets in stock http://birdsupplysales.ashopcart.com/catalogue.php?exp=28|55|67|&cat=70&shop=1


Thanks. But I feel like 3/8 inch rope is a little light for a CAG and that's the thickest they have. It's also the small side. This is why I'm exploring making one I'm aware of the cotton one called the OG Crawler which We may opt for if DIY doesn't work out.

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He is such a handful. He's a lot stronger than I imagined and already flies down Shortly after you start eating. Plus, he was allowed on shoulders at the breeder so he has no hesitation to land on your shoulder and reach for what your eating. I'm definitely trying to discourage him from intercepting food as I'm trying to raise a fork to my mouth. However, I didn't realize how much of an extendable reach these guys have. Let's say you're sitting on a couch with a bowl in your hand. He will climb down a few inches and reach out and hook onto the rim of the bowl. After having smaller birds you develop a natural distance to hold your bowl in that situation. I do see some of that Grey clumsiness, but I think I imagined a bird who is clumsy even despite careful calculated movement. Elwood reminds me of the newfoundland puppies (large working breed dog)I that I grew up with. They were big lumbering out of control bull dozers that didn't always apply the brakes soon enough. Not that I'm disappointed, I love that about him. Who wouldn't want a flying puppy.

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LOL to the puppy picture. Yes, they do seem to have telescoping necks. I roll Timber's cage away from the wall when I let him out. I had to adjust several times when I got him, because I thought there was no way he could reach the woodwork behind the cage... until he did. After about four tries I figured out the distance at which he cannot get a beak on it. Not that he doesn't still try, hanging on with one claw and stretching that neck and head to full extension!

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