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Expensive toy for Nilah!


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This is or I should say, was my newest blackberry. I had this for almost 2 months.......the latest one out........and probably my 20th one due to the, breaking or mostly my birds getting them. I took really good care of this one, except this one time when I had it on the charger and buried under a dish towel so my birds wouldn't get it......NILAH watched me and went after it when I wasn't looking. I immediately put in an insurance claim and they were on BO.....I needed a phone THEN!!! So it cost me another$200 and a new phone line. I now have 2 phones to pay for until the contract runs out.

Thank you Nilah!!!!


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Did you ever think of getting her one of those old rotary phones to play with.They were indestructible. You could drop them from the top of a 20 story building and they would still work.

Edited by Ray P
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Eww, that's even painful to look at. So sorry, Penny.


Somehow my guys have only destroyed 1 usb stick & customized a remote. After that my chargers & computer stuff all went into my entertainment cabinet which has doors. So they're protected but still have easy access. I also found a great little 2 drawer thingy at Marshal's where the remotes get tucked away.

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