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Baby grey always acting hungry?


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Hi all! I have a 7 week old congo I brought home about 2 weeks ago. Hand feeding is going well, and I have been feeding him 3 times a day as told by the breeder. Usually he ends up getting between 30-40 cc's, but I check to make sure crop is properly filled. He always seems hungry though and vocalizes alot! Even right after he has eaten, he acts like he always wants more. Is this normal behavior? Am I not feeding enough? I am new to all this so want to make sure I am doign everything right! Otherwise he seems healthy and is growing well. Thanks!

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Yes, They will keep asking and begging for food even when it just gurgles out and down the sides :-)


Congratulations on your new baby Grey!!


It's great to have you here on this Forum. You'll find a ton of information here and many experienced Grey owners that are more than free in giving out information when needed. :-)

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I think that you should go back to feeding 4 x a day. A person, breeder or otherwise can never tell how long it's gonna take for a bird to wanna decrease it's intake of formula. Saying that a bird is always hungry is a sign that the bird isn't getting enough. Formula is the most filling food that there is. As opposed to a weaned bird, a baby's crop fills up to a golf ball with formula. The bird won't show enthusiam as the feeding nears it's end. Some of the formula will dribble out of the mouth. That's quitting time and usually, the bird wants to rest or sleep. That's usually done by the bird when he starts to refuse the amount of a feeding. There's no set time in which a bird will wean or decide to decrease a feeding. Some can take as long as 4 mts and others can do it in shorter amounts of time. Many times, the breeder won't say anything and that's why I'm against the sale of unweaned birds. There are too many unknowns. There might be one clutch and it's not unusual for each chick to decrease feedings at different times. Let the bird make that important decision. Longer hand feeding makes for heathier and calmer birds.

Dave<br><br>Post edited by: MrSpock, at: 2007/10/06 17:52

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Congrads on you baby and welcome to the forum, I'am handfeeding a Tag right now to she will be 15 weeks old tomorrow and is on 2 feedings , morning and night and it looks she isn't about to give either one up to soon, she loves her formula even though she eats her pellets and fruits and veggies, she sounds off her I'am hungry alarm every morning at 9:30am and every night at 8:30pm and even when she is full she wants to be comforted for a while, she gets her blanky and we sit in the recliner for awhile then she is fine:)awwww the joy of babies and cuddleing time :)

Debbie_and_the_fids.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: RudysMom, at: 2009/08/21 06:23

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