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Poopy Issues..


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As mentioned in another thread, Maverick is a "potty holder". As in, he doesn't like to poop in his smaller sleep cage unless he absolutely has to and usually waits until I take him out in the morning to make a huge mess. The last couple of days I have noticed his morning "surprises" to be quite watery. There is still a mix of all of the elements and there are some solid pieces in it but overall it is watery. The rest of his poops throughout the day are absolutely normal. Also, when he went in for his initial checkup they did a fecal smear gram stain and found that his bacteria was just slightly off so they have put him on a probiotic mixed into his food. Should I be concerned?

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Normally a Grey dose not poop at night when they sleep and that is why that first one in the morning is a bomb.

It sounds like your vet knows whats going on and thats why the food mix. If you have doubt with their health always check with your vet.

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Hi, please stop all fruit for a few days, then only 1 small piece a day. Feed your baby pasta, cooked Orzo, small elbow, any kind your baby will eat. We give our fids a pasta called Wacky Mac. It is made with semolina and in the box it has yellow (white plain pasta), beet flavor (purple color), tomato (red/orange color)and spinach flavoring (green)raw uncooked. You can give plain low-fat yogurt. You should also give them cooked wild or brown rice. This can be fed to Greys, Amazons, Macaws, etc. as part of their normal diet. After each meal, we give all our guys a Wacky Mac [Raw uncooked] and they sit there holding it, nibbling on it while they are looking around the room. It is so cute to watch them; it is like they have an after-dinner cigar. Thanks, Jay

Edited by Jayd
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LOL to the after dinner cigar vision!


Hi, Maggie here...Thanks so much...lol...it is so funny to watch. Joe stands on the freezer on one leg, Salsa stands on one leg on Joe's cage and Tango stands on Salsa's cage on one leg with a Wacky Mac held in their other raised foot. Spock used to stand on the top of the fridge and they all wait patiently while i take the jar of Wacky Mac around to each of them. They all choose their own flavor out of the jar and peace reigns for about 5 minutes as they relax and enjoy. When they are done, they shake their feathers all around and pandemonium reigns once more....LOL....;):P

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Thanks, all! I don't give fruit simply because he isn't all that fond of anything other than his Harrisons pellets and I would like him to get more veggies in before introducing sugary fruits. He has had a piece of peach and really liked it, so he has gotten that one other time since then. I was giving him a couple pieces of shredded cheddar (the kind in the bag) because he absolutely LOVES it but my breeder told me that is too much because they are lactose intolerant. Oops :( I had read on here that some give their bird cheese so I thought it was okay. Where can I get this Wacky Mac?

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