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Excitedly awaiting our baby Jake

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Hi Everyone: I joined this forum a bit ago and have been reading all the wonderful advice. We are still waiting for our baby to come home. Jake is a CAG, 17 1/2 weeks old, and is still abundance weaning and learning to fly at the breeder's home. In addition to myself, my home consists of my husband, 15 and 13 yr old daughters, 4 yr old Goldendoodle, 1.5 yr old Cockapoo and 7 yr old Yorkiepoo. Fortunately, our breeder has three dogs also, so Jake has been accustomed to the barking and activity associated with three furry friends. I have prior experience with large birds as I had a Blue Fronted Amazon who was my absolute pride and joy until his death. I also had an Umbrella Cockatoo who now lives with my uncle's family (they took him in at a time when, following a divorce, I was working 2 jobs, going to grad school and living in town vs my uncle being retired and living in the country). I still visit him, clip his nails, cuddle with him, etc. and he still loves me, but he is being well-cared-for by his new extended family.


That brings me back to Jake. I am excitedly awaiting his arrival. We purchased a large acrylic cage from 'Cages by Design' for him. My husband (who has never had a bird) decided that it would be better to spend a little more and have a cage that looks more like a piece of furniture ... plus 'Cages by Design' is located 15 minutes from our house so we could see in person how nice they were. No objections from me ... after all, I've lived with rooms that had more trees than most Nat'l Forests. Anyhow, I ordered some manzanita wood over the internet (ok, I ordered LOTS of manzanita wood) and have now filled the cage with it and made one 5' tall stand. Hmmm, still have lots of manzanita left, so more stands and perches are in my future. I have also made two tabletop stands from PVC that sit on top of newly purchased plastic dog kennel replacement bottoms. These bottoms flip up on the side to help contain some of the mess. I have also been dying rawhide and wood and have made replicas of the some of the foraging toys that I have seen on the internet. I will post pics of things on my profile if you are interested in looking at them. (Since I'm very new here, I'm still figuring out how to do all of this.) I've also spent a fortune on stainless steel c-clips, eye hooks, washers, wing nuts and screws. I've taken over one stall of our garage and have all my tools, hardware, wood, PVC and toy parts strewn about. My husband suggested I go into business building bird toys and perches as it seems to be a passion. Lol.


My husband also mentioned that he's never seen me so excited about anything ... I'm up 'til all hours of the night reading and building parrot stuff. I've tossed all my teflon pans (amassed since having no birds in the house) and have purchased healthy, bird-safe varieties. We are also in the beginning stages of building a new house, so the designer has added "Jake's cage" to our designs (upon my constant questioning as to where Jake will be) ... doesn't that make a bird-lovers heart go pitter-patter?!?


So, I thank all of you for your wonderful advice, for sharing your ups and downs, and for being part of this wonderful forum. I look forward to a lifetime of happiness with my baby Jake and thank you all for helping with the foundation of that relationship!


I know this is long-winded, but I figure I'd better write as much as I can now, as I will probably be doing little once he is home! It's also nice to communicate with other bird lovers ... as most people just don't understand how strong and satisfying that connection can be!


Beth (aka JakeGrey)

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Hi Beth and welcome! I'd love to see pics of your "creations" and of course of Jake also when you can. We love pics! :) I can only imagine how excited you must be. I'm a new bird owner myself (rehomed TAG), and had no idea what I was getting in to. You've obviously done your research and are ready. Good luck! :)

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Beth, you just sound like you're an excited parront to be. You're talking to a bunch of grey-o-holics. So it's all good around here!! :) Congratulations!


It looks like you've done some serious homework & covered about all the bases you possibly can beforehand. The only thing I can possibly think to add is some more ideas for some of your left over wood. I really liked the swings that are 3 branches bolted together. But my ceilings are too low, unfortunately. It also makes good smaller swings for inside the cage. The irregular shapes are fun in hanging toys, too.


Feel free to share pics of all your greyt work while you're waiting for the big day.

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Hi Beth (AKA JakeGrey) And welcome to the Grey forum.

Dose Jake know what he is in for at his new home. (The life of Riley)

But thats OK because we all want the best for our fids.

Along with my Grey Corky we have our zon Cricket who is also awesome.

Keep us posted as to when he comes home.

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Thanks for the warm welcomes. Even though I have had other large birds, the CAG sounds like a whole different animal. I have gained great knowledge on this forum (avian lighting, foraging toys, stand ideas, carrier reviews, DIY toys, etc.). I feel like I am as prepared as any new parrot companion can be. My hubby is not a "bird person" ... YET! Lol. He says that if I love Jake, he'll love him, too. I am busy looking up sprouting info as my breeder told me that she has begun offering sprouts to the babies and they are a hit. More late nights on the computer ...

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