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Does your grey do this? Weird


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Brutus was helping Larry with the laundry. Brutus likes to help with all the chores. We usually have to toss him something to destroy, to occupy his time. Larry tossed him a sock on the bed and he flew to the sock and rolled over on his back to fight with it. He ROLLED on his back! Have you ever seen your grey do this? I couldn't get a picture in time to document it, but it was amazing.

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Sophie is a very happy, well adjusted bird... but being on her back? NOWAY! one time she was playing on our gate ( safe), and got stuck... she had to let go, while being upside down. I knew it took alot for her to do so. The other day, I was hand feeding Sunny sunflower seeds ( he had landed on the bottom of play gym), Sophie got curious, flew down her metal gym, 90 miles an hour, like she usually does. Overshot, ended up hanging upside down at the bottom. She didn't like her predicament, so I told her, " let go... I'll catch you". She did... but I could tell she wasn't happy about her situation. Nancy

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