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Worried about balanced diet


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Neytiri doesn't seem to be eating any pellets now. Is it possible i gave her too much fresh stuff? How do I make sure she gets the balance she needs? Can I crush pellets into oatmeal?





Update*** I put a couple drops of a low sugar oj on the pellets and she seems to be munching on them now. Is that bad to do?

Edited by Sassy
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Neytiri doesn't seem to be eating any pellets now. Is it possible i gave her too much fresh stuff? How do I make sure she gets the balance she needs? Can I crush pellets into oatmeal?





Update*** I put a couple drops of a low sugar oj on the pellets and she seems to be munching on them now. Is that bad to do?


When you say *fresh stuff*, if you mean veggies, then no, there's never too much. People have trouble getting their bird to eat veggies. As far as pellets, it's importaant to know that pellets aren't all they're made up to be. If a bird is eating fresh stuff, pellets aren't really necessary. Pellets are somewhat better than parrot mix but they're never as good as veggies.

As far as putting crushed pellets in oatmeal, it's just different opinions about that. My opinion is that there's nothing beneficial in doing that. Oatmeal shouldn't be given in excessive amounts. Once in a while is fine. Oatmeal can't be considered as food for a grey just like lots of fruit can't be considered food for a grey. I feel that you should have pellets around but you should expect your bird to ignore them. Having a small amount of parrot seed available is also good. Pellets are something that many birds have to get used to over a certain period of time. Other birds eat them quickly. Pellets also have chemicals in them. Veggies don't. Try out as many different veggies as you can. Try to get green veggies.. Try out small pieces of carrots. Try out some different peppers. Try out some human foods too. I don't know how old your bird is but the above appplies to a bird who has been weaned or is close to weaning. Look around here and check out the various ways people make up a mash for their birds.

PS,if you're gonna put fluid on pellets, stay with water.

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Thanks. She's 19 weeks old. I was trying the oatmeal cause she keeps making baby sounds and doing the feeding head bob. She's been doing that since took her to the vet a week a go. She was eating pellets really well then all of a sudden stopped and only wants fresh.

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I regularly mix pellets in with the "fresh stuff" for all our juveniles and recommend their new parents do the same when they go to their new homes. Quality pellets are important to fill in the gaps from their fruits and veggies, especially for a young grey in its first year.

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Thanks. She's 19 weeks old. I was trying the oatmeal cause she keeps making baby sounds and doing the feeding head bob. She's been doing that since took her to the vet a week a go. She was eating pellets really well then all of a sudden stopped and only wants fresh.


As most people know we treat pellets as a addition not as a necessary to our Grey diet, there a treat or a snack only. Pellets are mainly filler processed at a high heat to process [make] them, there added supplements, some chemicals, compressed imitation food. [soylent Green]

.When they process pellets, they mix more of everything into the pre processed batch because when it's made, the heat destroys most of the ingredients. Read the label on the pellets, only use the best, their not all created equal.....Some have, Food coloring, BHT,BHA, etc are bad, man made equivalents are bad. For safety, dependability, and peace of mind, fresh is best. A final note, fresh takes longer, we have a lot of parrots, a lot of beaks to feed, and a lot of trust in what we feed them...Spinner post is Great, as is Dave's, we personally prefer Fresh.....Thanks Jay

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I just don't want to mess this up.


Your doing a Greyt job, don't worry. Some of our fid's eat this today then that tomorrow, as long as we supply what is good and right for them, it some how balances out. In the wild, Greys eat a certain mud/clay for it's mineral and medicinal purposes, They sell this mud/clay but I have yet been abale to get one of our Greys to even look at it, the same goes for Red Palm oil, the only fid in our home who will eat it is Salsa our Zon, other members Greys love this stuf, so don't worry...Your doing okay.......

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