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Nilah vs. Talon


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I had this old wooden hut from our pet bunny that had died a few years ago. I thought it would be perfect to put on top of my kitchen cabinets instead of the empty cardboard boxes I put there to keep my birds from chewing my cabinets. So, immediately, Nilah claimed it and began chewing on it....wouldn't let Talon near it! ......all was well, she wouldn't leave it until bedtime, and that cost me a bribery of a pencil to get her to her cage for bed.





The next morning, Talon being the first one up I dedicatedly went to it, and claimed it as hers......Nilah got up, and tried to take it back, bullying Talon like always...well, Talon said, no way, no how!!! She stood her ground and refused to leave, they began fighting, I had never seen that before, usually Talon flies off and Nilah wins every time. Not this time, Talon fought her, I ran over when I realized they were fighting and yelled at them and went to jump up to shoo Nilah away, but Talon bit her on the neck. Nilah was so shocked, she flew off not her tree stand, sat there quietly with a stunned and shocked look on her cute face. She never tried to go back, just sat their pouting and stunned......i checked her out, she was fine other than a few small feathers on the floor.




Smug look on her face! :)

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