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we are back again..;-)


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It is a blanket ;-) I have a BIG bed and while there is just Zak and me he gets the other side of the bed for playing. He is scared of going inside boxes, carriers,tents but he still likes it very much if I'm around. He won't play by himself but if I supervise he will play for hours.. I'll take a picture so U can see what I mean;-)

And I'm very happy if U got an idea for your fid:-)

Edited by Morana
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Didn't want to open a new thread....just wanted to share news.. Zak started to love beak rubs!! he newer wanted it but know he asks for it every day before bed time. He puts his head close to the bars of his cage, tilt his head, position his beak to the bars and looks at me significally as to say: I'm ready, you may proceed! Lol I just love it! and when we are done, or better to say, when he has enough he climbs to his sleeping perch and then says good night, and sometimes, sleep tight:-)

Just love that little bugger! :-)

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And today has been a really good day. he spend last two hours at my shoulder playing but every time he needs to poop he goes to his t-perch, poops and in a few moments comes back. hope this one lasts;-P Really don't like when he poops on the floor, I just washed it yesterday.. :-/

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Well people, I have it documented!-this is Zak begging for beak rubs:-) What is special about it is that we are outside sunbathing because last two days are very unusually warm and sunny for this time of year. We are enjoying ourselves just a bit longer before the winter setts in. So sunny hellos from our part of the world!! Thinking about you guys! :-)





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