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we are back again..;-)


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Well, hello everyone!!!!:-D Finally back after a long time! Missed you guys all very much!:-)

So...in short.. I was sick for a long while.. Been in hospital.. Basically my shoulder+arm and knee gave up and wasn't able to do much than to lie down. When not doing that, I was working in three schools so I didn't have time for anything and Zak was also very frustrated because of it. So finally, since 31.this month I'll work just in two schools so Zakica will spend more time with me.. There are some changes in our lives but we'll get to that too, eventually;-) I have a state exam coming up soon so I don't know how much I'll be on the forum but first step has been made:-D

For ones who don't know Zak or me,or just don't remember,I'm very proud owner of Zak, 11 year old CAG. He still likes shreddable toys best. We finally switched to lixit water bottle and that was a very proud moment because it took Zak just half a day to get used to the bottle. Another new thing is that I try to expose him daily to new stuff, so now I can change his safety pumice perches without him fussing; we plant flowers together, sunbathe when it is not too hot (currently is 39 degrees Celsius); he miaows most of the time, barks at others. Sometimes even laughs to my students when I tutor.. ;-)

Basically we are good now;-)




So once again, HELLO EVERYONE!:-)

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So, my Mr. Parrot has a special thing going on since we installed the Lixit water battle. - He doesn't go to his cage by himself any more. He decided that the bottle is probably too scary to come through the door next to it. Drinking water is OK tho,as knocking on it several times a day, but going into the cage while it stands there NO. So my brilliant Mr.Parrot calls me every time he wants to go in and drink/eat. I had a moment like that just a couple minutes ago. He went to the living room and landed on his boing which is close o the cage and started calling: come here, come here. So when I came he wanted to play a bit first. I, on the other hand, decided that while he is playing I could wash just a few dishes that I have and we can go to bed at the same time. But No. It was his dinner/drinking time so he started calling me again and since I didn't want to leave everything and come right that instant he actually started screaming! I ignored him till he settled down and then came into bedroom (because he flew from the boing in the meanwhile) and he was looking at me , with his leg stretched out ready to pick him up, like, where the hell were you!?! Lol Now, I was allowed to go and finish business I had to do and there he goes again (but now tucked in his cage) calling me again: Morana, Morana. As I came I saw that he finished his bowl of food and needed a refill. How good of him to call out so I could come and serve him... He really has everything figured out :-P

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Welcome back Morana, you have been gone for quite a while, sorry to hear of your health problems and hopefully that is all behind you now and you can get back to posting and sharing with us.

So glad to hear that Zak is fine and he is keeping you busy, after all he is the master and you are his servant, refill please.

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Yes, that master-servant role got somehow switched since I brought him home.. Little pest :-)


And thank you Judy. I was thinking about you all quite a lot but never got around to post/read...

Edited by Morana
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Well, the bitch is chezron that I always feel better until I don't! Lol

The good thing is that Zak is OK. He had a bit of a problem with bacteria which we (vet and I) think he got because of stress but we fixed it right away when it started (it started a bit before I got sick) and since then he is fine. A bit nervous at times but OK. He'll settle down when he sees that me being home is a new trend;-) And I have a few of new games that we will try-together;-) I'll know my new schedule in a week, maybe sooner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So here are few pictures from today..

First one was just an attempt because Zak ran away as he saw the light from the camera! :-P



He was still a bit fritefull but he posed anyway..



..and this is Zak..the king of my bed.. (..well the whole apartment too, but never mind;-))



PS: Could someone help. Photobucket is not working and I have problems uploading the video on Imageshack. Don't know where the problem is, really :-/

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Thank you guys! :-)

Photobucket is working today again for no apparent reason, so here's the video: http://s220.photobucket.com/albums/dd240/evilzlo/?action=view&current=MOV02686.mp4


This is Zak playing but usually he throws all the blocks around. Yesterday I put a towel with buttons underneath the blocks and it is a hit, as it seams;-)


PS: katana600. I got my schedule but somehow I have all these extra things to do for school so for now it is not working for us that great but it just the first week of the school so that is probably the reason;-) Other than that, I have a pretty nice schedule:-)

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On your video, I see you made Zak a little tent. That gave me a great idea to perhaps make a small area on Gilbert's playtop where he could hide if he feels scared. I have tried the tents, but they move and he can't fly so the motion scares him. Great idea, you just never know when you share something that it could change someone else's life. Thanks.

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