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I saw blood, should I be worried?


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A few nights ago, Harrison was on her perch in the living room and she flew off. Somehow, she hurt herself. I don't know how, but she started bleeding. The only reason I knew she was bleeding was because when I had her on my hand, she flapped her wings and blood splattered all over me and the wall. It was just little droplets. Of course, I freaked out...it was too late to call our vet. So, we put her on the floor on a bunch of newspapers so we could see if blood dripped off of her...there was nothing. She flapped her wings again and no blood. She ate fine, she was playing again in no time. I just wonder if I should be worried about infection. She doesn't seem to be hurting anywhere...although, she won't sit on any perches anymore...she'll only sit on the ones in her cage...not in the living room. She acts like she's scared to death of the perches like the one she flew off of when she started bleeding. How should I handle this?? Of course, I don't want her to be afraid of her perches...what should I do???




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Hmmmm, well if the bleeding stopped and the bird isn't acting like it is hurt or favoring any part of it's body then I guess as long as there is VERY close observation of weight and activity then it should be OK without going to the vet. I was wondering, did any feathers come out? If so maybe a blood feather was lost in the crash and there was a little blood from that. As far as the perches go, give fav treats anytime your putting her on them and give lots of praise for staying put.

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If this was a few nights ago and you have not observed any further bleeding, you re ok. I think Bmustee is right, a Blood feather probably snapped or cracked and thus the Blood.


Treat in the perches outside the Cage are a good idea. It sounds like your Grey is relating the "scare and damage" to the external perches.

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Hi Heather,As long as the bleeding has stopped, i dont see a problem, a few specs can seem a whole lot more to us.Harrison obviously caught it on something as she flew.As for getting her back on the perch as BMustee has said reward her with a treat for stepping up onto it, hang her favourite toys on the perch, she just needs to gain her confidence again ;)

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