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quick question.....


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The position you've described is a normal sleeping position for almost all birds. It's the best position to keep warm. Warm blooded animals need to conserve their heat because it takes too much energy staying warm. The less energy used on staying warm, such as holding the heat close to your body when sleeping, makes living and eating that much easier. It's like sticking your hands under your armpits- the area they bury their heads is the warmest spot for their head. Most birds will also sleep with one foot tucked under their belly for balance reasons. It's just nature's way.

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Most birds will also sleep with one foot tucked under their belly for balance reasons..

really? I kinda thought they do that to rest their feet(?) I also thought that for not falling they have a processional muscle (if that is even a good translation). The purpose of that muscle would be to contract involuntary when a bird for example starts falling into sleep and starts to lose balans. Sorry that's the best I can describe what I mean ( although it is far from what I would say in Croatian) :-/

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To us it would seem like an uncomfortable position but they are birds and can turn their heads farther around than we can so it is not uncomfortable for them to do it but I thought the reason they tuck one foot up was to rest it.

Yes James we would like to hear your theories on why you think they do it.

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