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I'm so excited with the progress Timber and I are making. I think I posted that he is stepping up now without any problems. Stepping down is sometimes still an issue ;) The day before yesterday, I had him on my arm and we went to the front screened-in porch. He didn't want to step off on the cage out there, which he usually does. It is the palace that he no interest in living in but will sit on (the playtop) while out on the porch. Usually anyway. So, I sat in the porch swing with him on my arm. I put my arm across my lap and started petting/scratching him. He leaned his beak and his head on my stomach. That's the closest we have been to cuddling! :) :) Last night, we were going through the usual "time to go to bed" scene. He is never anxious to go back into the cage, but last night he was particularly recalcitrant. Finally, he walked to the edge of his open door (he likes to perch there when out) and started waving his foot at me. That's his first initiation of a step up, which is why I'm so excited!

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Last night, we were going through the usual "time to go to bed" scene. He is never anxious to go back into the cage, but last night he was particularly recalcitrant.


That is so awesome. I love to hear the progress/bonding stories. I'm such a sap it makes me misty eyed.


Does he get anything "special" when he goes into his cage? The one way I solved the going into the cage issue was a) giving them a choice in the matter, and b) giving them a treat. Bribery? Yeah, a bit, I guess. But it works for my guys. If they refuse to go in I take a step back. No big drama. Just talk for a second and try again. I think birds start to enjoy the "going to bed drama" of being chased around the room, tug of war, etc. I also always give Sondhi a half a grape for going in his cage at night and when I leave for work. He adores grapes...and that's the only time he ever gets them.

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Yes, I give him pine nuts when he goes in because those are his favorite. I have tried to establish a routine with lowering the shades, turning off the ceiling fan, talking to him about how it is bed time and time to go in as I go. I agree that he also enjoys the going to bed drama. He likes that attention and knows I'll stand there until he complies. Ha. I give him scratches, tell him how wonderful he is, he has to hang in the door and ring his bell before he goes in, etc. He knows the drill, he seems to be working on delay tactics now. It didn't take him long to figure out what works either! I know he was waving his foot last night because he knows I like for him to step up, and he knew that I wouldn't be able to resist. What next one wonders? ;) Once again outwitted by the bird... seems to be my lot in life now.

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Yes, I give him pine nuts when he goes in because those are his favorite. I have tried to establish a routine with lowering the shades, turning off the ceiling fan, talking to him about how it is bed time and time to go in as I go. I agree that he also enjoys the going to bed drama. He likes that attention and knows I'll stand there until he complies. Ha. I give him scratches, tell him how wonderful he is, he has to hang in the door and ring his bell before he goes in, etc. He knows the drill, he seems to be working on delay tactics now. It didn't take him long to figure out what works either! I know he was waving his foot last night because he knows I like for him to step up, and he knew that I wouldn't be able to resist. What next one wonders? ;) Once again outwitted by the bird... seems to be my lot in life now.


Oh my gosh...this is SO sweet. I can just see it in my head.


Sondhi, my little loving brat, did the foot wave for awhile...and when I went to pick up him....BITE! Then he woud cock his head and say "Step up?" Takes a lot of patience to deal with a parrot!! :)

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LOL I sure hope Timber doesn't go back to biting! I still have the scars from the first couple of weeks. It does take a lot of patience. He reminds me so much of my kids when they were little. The wheels are always turning and they are always testing the boundaries like Sondhi was doing.

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Oh that we could put Gilbert and Timber together and let them discuss the benefits of cooperation. It makes me so happy to know that Timber is making relatively quick progress with you. You are a natural with him. You are so patient and understanding and have good coping strategies for him. We found the night time ritual to be very effective. When our parrots can predict faithfully what comes next, it seems to be comforting to them when they are first rehomed. Now that he has been with you long enough to figure you out, he is changing up the game plans. LOL. The contact he is initiating is heartwarming. Keep up the good work. I am cheering for both of you.

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Yes, I would love for him to get together with Gilbert too! I was playing one of the videos someone posted and Timber was whistling and answering the video bird (he usually doesn't say too much). It made me wonder if he misses interaction with other birds, or if he was jealous because he thought I was being "unfaithful." ;) I am very much a creature of habit and routine myself, so we are compatible that way.


I have been enjoying our summer so much, and have found it really fulfilling to work with Timber. I keep hoping and praying that he doesn't regress, which I know is possible, or get hormonal, since he is between 4-5 years (or so we think) but time will tell!


He was so excited to see my son last night (home from college for the weekend). He was practically dancing on top of the cage and REALLY didn't want to go to bed. That is to be expected though, so we gave him him slack due to special circumstances! Like Gilbert and your daughter, Timber really is attracted to Dakota. He can't handle him like I can, but he generates a level of excitement that I never do.

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