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Oh No! Gracie is giving me sass!


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Gracie has been talking a lot more recently. I was overjoyed the other day when she started saying "Daddy". Now she uses that as a contact call when I leave the room. It is so heartwarming when she calls "Daddy, Daddy".


Sadly, she is learning backtalk, too. Last week I was off work for our school break. Gracie and I stayed up later than usual. I guess she got used to that. On Sunday night at around 9:00 I tried to put Gracie to bed. She did not want to go back in her cage. She ran from me, flew from me, even tried to nip me! As I persisted she said, "Stop". Now she only hears me say stop when she is chewing something she shouldn't or about to toss her food bowl.


At first I wasn't sure I heard her right, and I just continued to ask her to step up. She ran from me again and said "STOP!". Well, I didn't stop and she finally stepped up, but I'm sure she knew well and good what she was saying.


Oh....she is barely a year old and already full of sass, speaking her mind and defying "Daddy".


It's so hard to be mad and proud at the same time. Gracie was using real verbal communication of her feelings. It just wasn't what I wanted to hear. I was almost tempted to actually "stop", in order to let her know that when she uses words she gets results, but I think that would have opened a huge can of worms that I would be dealing with forever.

Edited by JeffNOK
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................ As I persisted she said, "Stop". Now she only hears me say stop when she is chewing something she shouldn't or about to toss her food bowl.


At first I wasn't sure I heard her right, and I just continued to ask her to step up. She ran from me again and said "STOP!". Well, I didn't stop and she finally stepped up, but I'm sure she knew well and good what she was saying..........


You have a smart little girl there! I would comment that when she learns to use a word in context it pays to reinforce her understanding. So when she says "stop" you stop! It is much easier for a Grey to learn the right meaning than to unlearn a wrong one.


Steve n Misty

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Gracie is certainly advancing quickly in word use and understanding. Why did you pursue when she told you stop several times. You know payback is a b$tch. Wait until you say stop again. :P


One note, as the mature, they become more independent and demanding of their rights to do what they want and when. This is how they start learning boundaries as well. :)

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This is so enjoyable. I would love to be a mouse in the corner as Gracie asserts herself. The next time you tell her to stop, she will say "No. You stop." Hahaha. She is one smart little cookie. Please daddy can we stay up a little longer? Can I have a drink? Not from the bathroom, from the kitchen. Can I have ice in it? Hahahaa, you are well on your way to being trained by the best.

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It's so hard to be mad and proud at the same time.


I'm going to remind you of this when she's two! :)


My CAG is trying to mate with the top of my head. It's a constant battle to keep him from running up my arm to my hair. Then he nips my fingers when I try to get him off. Just when I'm starting to lose my cool he cocks his head and asks, "Cuddle????"


When I leave the house for work my TAG calls out "awwwwww" and my CAG let's out the saddest contact call. They know how to get you!

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You have a smart little girl there! I would comment that when she learns to use a word in context it pays to reinforce her understanding. So when she says "stop" you stop! It is much easier for a Grey to learn the right meaning than to unlearn a wrong one.


Steve n Misty


That was my dilemma. I always want to reinforce things, but if I stopped because she told me too, then I would never have gotten her to bed!. It was bedtime and I need her to comply at certain times. i try her give her as many choices as possible, but I don't want her to dictate to me. It's a delicate balance.

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That was my dilemma. I always want to reinforce things, but if I stopped because she told me too, then I would never have gotten her to bed!. It was bedtime and I need her to comply at certain times. i try her give her as many choices as possible, but I don't want her to dictate to me. It's a delicate balance.


I understand that but you could have given her a couple of minutes and then say "Now it's bed time come on" That is what I did with Misty. I admit it can backfire because now it is usually Misty saying "It's bed time now!" to me! Although he does usually wait until the film I am watching has finished .:)


Steve n Misty

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I knew it wouldn't be long before Gracie gave you sass! LOL! I agree with both you and Steve. Maybe stopping for a second, then saying bedtime now firmly would work. You can't always " stop"... even though they are using the word correctly, if it reinforces negative behavior. She put you in a tight spot! Thats our smartie pants! Nancy

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Here's my game plan....and it doesn't always work out, of course, when dealing with parrots!


I don't keep my routines too rigid...other than leaving for work and putting the birds to bed. Bedtime is 9:30PM for the parrots. At about 9:15 they get the verbal warning. I start to put Sondhi in his cage a few minutes later. If he goes, he gets a treat and gets to come back out again. If he argues I tell him "OK, but almost time." Just knowing that his good behavior gives him a choice in the matter seems to cancel out the times he has to go in his cage. The AM routine is almost identical.


Burt, the TAG, however is perfect. As long as I have an almond I can annouce "Ok, Burt, in your cage" and he goes. That's just the luck of the draw - he's SOOO food motivated.

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We all do different things, and all are right, because it works for our birds.I don't use treats( doesn't mean I don't believe in them) I just didn't know enough when I got birds. BUT... bedtime is bedtime, don't bother to argue, won't get you anywhere. They all know this.

As far as birds learning new words, it is important to learn and use the word, at that moment when it demonstrates meaning.After thinking for a day, what JEFFnok did.. I think he made the "wise choice," of NOT teaching STOP", when the behavior was not appropriate.It will come up again, and he can teach, when the word has a positive effect. Nancy

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............. I think he made the "wise choice," of NOT teaching STOP", when the behavior was not appropriate.It will come up again, and he can teach, when the word has a positive effect. Nancy


I think every parrot should be allowed to say "No" and "Stop". Because we have to restrict them to living in a human environment they must be allowed to express dissent. We owe them that at least. I would rather a "No!" or a "Stop!" than a bite!


Steve n Misty

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Oh they do understand when they are bad .... or when you are bad in their eyes. I always tell my gang "no" or "stop that" or "that's not nice" if they are going something I disapprove. They do understand the words and usually stop. But if I do something Ana Grey dislikes she will not hesitate to say "that's not nice". It's hard not to laugh or smile when they remind how smart they really are.

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Zak doesn't like to go to his cage when I have to go to work but I resort to putting fruit (in the cage) he likes best so he goes voluntarily. If he still doesn't I do wait a while to put him in. Do somewhat else and then try it again. I don't want to force it and make it a bad experience for him. Sometimes, but rarely, we have disputes about going to bed too. He doesn't want to go so I show him that I respect his will and come back in a few minutes and then he goes nicely because I think he is grateful that I let him decide when is a bed time once in a while;-) As of late, he says to me Good night (it's around 10 PM) and then I know it is time to put him to sleep. Also, I think it is priceless for your bird to have a word/sign that you understand easily. It took me a while before I recognized that Zak say NO by lifting his foot up like a stop sign. Now, when I don't want him to come to me or go somewhere I raise my palm like he lifts his foot and it works. Also I know when something I do is bothering him so I know when to stop. Understanding your grey, IMHO, is a priceless thing ;-)

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Oh they do understand when they are bad .... or when you are bad in their eyes. I always tell my gang "no" or "stop that" or "that's not nice" if they are going something I disapprove. They do understand the words and usually stop. But if I do something Ana Grey dislikes she will not hesitate to say "that's not nice". It's hard not to laugh or smile when they remind how smart they really are.


If I do something that Misty disapproves of he calls me "Horrible boy!":)



Steve n Misty

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