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A Zon's love.


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Hi, Maggie writing for Jay.:)


What I present here is from research, personal experience, and just plain feelings. A bonded gray is a deep relationship, sometimes with out end and almost always unconditional. A Zon's is a combination of love and eternal friendship. During hormonal times, you never entice a Grey or a Zon, it's hard enough form them as it is, after this seasonal time period ends you can pet your Grey, scritch them give them kisses but must stop if they become excited.


A Zon, is different, their your friend, you can cuddle [in most cases] pet them every where, they can get jealous and protect you from other, sometimes biting you by accident in their defense of you. It's a different kind of relationship all together. I feel a Zon is much more resilient than a Gray, if for some reason you must re-home one, a Zon has a far greater chance of adapting to their new surroundings then doe's our beloved greys. A Zon might say "I will always love you, but I must move on"

Edited by Jayd
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Thank you for your post. I only have a Grey--barely a year old, so it is hard for me to make comparissons with Amazons or other parrots. I do already get a sense that I am of great importance to her and that I am her world. I wonder how life will be with her in the years to come. I have no intention of ever letting her go, but I am 45 and she may well outlive me. I pray that if that occurs she will be able to move on when the time comes.

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Jay, that is a wonderful testament to a grey vs an amazon. But I don't think you touched on the depth of love protection and devotion that an amazon shows you on a daily basis. A grey loves you in their own way, but an amazon wears their heart on their wing... They never miss a moment to let you know you are theirs, and they will fight anyone and anything who they feel will threaten that bond. Nilah loves me unconditionally, I can yell at her, who her off, and she's back for cuddles and love.there is nothing like it. I love my greys, but you love em on their terms. Nilah allows me to love her and cuddle when I feel like it, my greys are the opposite !


Another comparison....A grey wants to be in the same room with you, and amazon want to be on you and be involved in whatever you do. They are hands on!

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I have been eagerly reading about the amazons and their loyalty. I have to say if I were inclined to look for another companion, I would give it a lot of thought. I have only seen one in person and the activity level was as close to unbridled joy and enthusiasm as I have ever seen. I am devoted to Gilbert and sometimes wish for him to relax and sit next to me but I do fear that even though he doesn't want closeness it might set him back if he saw me giving that attention to an "intruder". I will continue to be enthralled by all of you with your zon stories though.

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You can come visit Lola, my Zon anytime! She needs the socialization. : )

I am very excited about learning the ways of the Zon. I got my first glimpse of her devotion just the other day. Lola is happy where ever she may be, but has not yet made specific attempts to fly onto me. Just yesterday, I suppose she had reason to pause. We were visiting my friend (her breeder). I was engaged with handling babies...Hahns Macaw baby on my shoulder, Panama babies in my lap. Lola was on a play gym about 3 feet away when she looked up and gave me "the look". As if to say "hey wait a minute....you are MINE, why are you holding those babies?" and at that moment she flew up onto my shoulder. LOL I reminded her that I was in fact HERS but we were playing with babies. She seemed to accept that reality and only flew back to me once more, having found contentment in preening the babies herself.

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Ah yes, zons are so different than greys. As you know, I don't get to cuddle Louie my rehomed zon but he will come out of his cage and back into his cage when I ask. Of course, this is on his terms. It has always been Ana Grey, then Sterling who get the treats and then Louie, the zon, gets his. So at bedtime, it isn't until both Ana Grey and Sterling are in their cages before Louie will follow my direction and go into his. It must be in the proper order or Louie will not cooperate. He will fly off until the others are in their cages and then he goes in without a problem. The way of the zon so logical if you just pay attention.

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There is a big difference between a zon and grey. I'm worried for Kiki, her best friend and owner, went off to college.They spend a TON of time together. He left today, giving me instructions on what her expectations are, what makes her happy. He told me, " If you don't make her happy, I'll hear her in Buffalo!" LOL She's a very noisy girl. I will do my best. Nancy

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Ray, it is funny that you mention this. My friend (Lola's breeder), once told me that in order to appreciate Lola's antics and zest for life, I would need to release my inner child. This thought really hit home for me as I am much more of a Grey in personality. My response to her was that I do not have an inner child. My hope for life with Lola is that I might live vicariously though her and find that inner child hiding under life's responsibilities. In the short time she has been here, I am totally in love with her and eager to share in her Joie de Viv.

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