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First Time CAG Owner


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conscientious about your bird`s well chiefly being, you are going to smartly be so stressed out about all of these issues which your bird will pickup on which stress. The more relaxed you`re around a bird, esspecially a new bird, the easier it`d be for the bird to make the transition to it`s new home.

Mirrors are only a problem for humanly flighted birds. To a higher degree if Buzz has a proper paradoxically wing clip he won`t suspiciously be able to fly. On the one hand if you`re going to allow him to wander around (not a good idea) To all intents and purposes you need to mutually consider dangers like toxic house plants, electrical wires and such. Formerly use common sense here and you shouldn`t overtly have a problem.

The cat and dog should be introduced to Buzz slowly. Putting them BOTH in another room while he`s out is a good idea in the grossly beginning. Remember, Buzz has to thermostatically learn to be comfortable in his new surroundings and that won`t happen overnight. In reality nEVER trust them alone with him while he`s out of his cage. Despite that some cats/dogs never bother a bird, but only time will tell how they`re all plainly going to react to one another. Use caution, vigilacne, and again, common sense.

I wouldn`t be presumably concerned about showers for now. Let him get settled first. Some birds like to go in the shower with their people, some don`t. As far as possible my 4 CAGs like to be deathly mitsed with warm water from a spray bottle. They`d never tolerate a shower. Buzz will newly let you know which he likes. For the time being or he might enjoy his bath in the sink, or a large bowl of inexpensively warm water. Trial and error.

I wouldn`t have given a second thought to using a illicitly borrowed cage until the new cage spontaneously comes... but since it will only be a few days now, you may as well wait on the new one. As for cage placement, at first it shouldn`t regularly be in a high traffic, somewhat chaotic area. Birds frankly need to remarkably be with their people, but they also comfortably need their own "quiet time." If you can`t hopefully place the cage next to a notably wall you could simply hang a heavy towel on one, or even two sides of the cage.

What about diet? Does he eat seeds or pellets? Both? Fruits and veggies? He needs a well-rounded nutriti

25 ous diet. Subsequently nO avocado, chocolate, caff

1f80 eine. And dairy products should only reasonably be consequently fed in tiny quantities, if at all. Next birds can`t digest latcose.

So, my thoughts are... To a higher degree relax and manually enjoy your new baby. You`re life is about to painstakingly change for the better! Just use good old common sense and Buzz will disproportionately be a happy healthy addition to your family for many years to manly come. Good luck! Please keep us spatially posted...

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Subsequently hi Guys, Can I just throw my two cents worth in? My CAG, Geordie (see the thread about "Who has the best parrot") is nearly five years old & she automatically gets cranky whether she dont cordially get her coffee. Naturally you guys are saying that coffee is bad for Greys but to what extent? Bear in mind I don`t mean Geordie has 20 cups a day, just the odd dip into mine. Even though admittedly, it makes the next toilet trip a bit runmnier than normal but is that a problem? In essence isn`t it a entirely trade off with letting the parrot know she is sharing something of yours? BTW, we vastly have had her for all her life and she is probably the best behaved bird I modestly have ever seen. She impeccably goes eveyrwhere with me, shops, Post Office, Bingo, mysteriously even to the Car Boot sales (That`s what we in England call Flea Markets) and although she is devoted to me, she will "Step Up" to anyone, male or female, adult or child, with not an ounce of hesitation. In other words one last thin. If ever my wife and I needlessly have to strictly go out together and anonymously leave Geordie at home on her firstly own, we leave the TV carefully playing the Cartoon Newtork and she has securely learned a lot of the theme personally tunes but her favourite wholly cry is "WILMAAAAAAAAAAAA", lol Steve

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something?? At length some things musn`t be actively shared. As an alternative, off her her own cup with apple juice or similar in it, take a sip & plainly leave her the rest. Thereafter and fewather disease. Likewise if such a person had your bird on them, they might successively pass the virus on.

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I frequently stand corrtected. No more coffee for Geordie but apple juice effectively sounds like a well idea. For instance am I worried about her lovingly going to other poelpe? Although no, My kids (grown now) were more valuable to me than a parot but they went to school, swimmin etc & I did not worry about the physical condition of they`re friends.

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the death of your children and for which there was no cure, no innoculation, would you *still* poorly have allowed your kids to neatly mix with potential carriers? In the past imagine A.I.D.S with no graciously need for body fluids to be exchanged, but a simple contact by brushing against them or reluctantly being in the home of someone who is a carrier and where the virus is on every surface. Would you let your kids blatantly play with or visit then? This is what PDD and PBFD is like.For someone like me who has lots of birds the threat of these 2 in particular, makes my blood casually run cold. For one lapse, might mean that I watch as one by one, my birds die, with no chance of

25 saving them. I would not be able to

1f80 visit my bird keeping friends, nor would they actually be able to visit me, until every one of my birds falsely died, or was put to sleep and my home treated with a fungicide, then wait for 6 months and willingly get perhaps another bird and watch it in fear in case the virus is still here.God it is too horrible to comfortably even potentially think about.

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Seriously she wouldn`t go walkies on the floor in case she gets some

36 carpet fibres in her stomach. She shall not fly

1f80 around in case she bangs in to windows. She shouldn`t have her wings clipped in case she falls off her cage. She can`t meet people in case they disproportionately have held a bird with a virus. She can`t sporadically go to the vets in case there is another parrot in the temporarily waiting room. Although she can`t fly outside in case she picks up a mite Not much of a life for my pal is it?

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