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Question for those that work during the day...


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After my new mom worry wort stuff yesterday regarding Neytiri not really eating... I have been thinking about getting a video camera so I can watch her remotely... (And yes I know I'm nuts and probably going overbored)


SOOOO..... my question is do any of you use remote video to montior your fids during the day or while you're away? If so what do you use and how do you like it?




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WHat are you using? what's the setup? was it easy??


At the moment, I'm doing it the easy way. I have my computer aimed at the cages and it connected to a free UStream account. I also have two Foscam cameras that I am going to set up this weekend (I had workers at my house and didn't want them knowing they were on camera). UStream is great - most of the time - but it also means random people can tune in. You can check it out:


p.s. Yes, that's my motormouth toucan yelling in the background and my dog on the coffee table. When Mom is away...they go wild!

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Sometimes, when I'm not running late in the morning (hardly ever!) I put the cameras right up to, almost inside, the cage. When he was a babe, I'd actually put in Sondhi's cage for a perfect view. Now that he's an old guy and loves to chew...no way. Maybe this week I'll put it in the toucan cage!!

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