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YIKES! 48 hours... I'm on my own!


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Sean my youngest, leaving for college in 48 hours. Ryan, is already gone. That leaves me, to make sure everyone is happy, getting socialized enough, have enough free time from birdroom, etc. I'm starting to worry, as we have all taken care of our birds as a family! I'm not concerned that they won't adjust to just me and the dogs, because they all love me dearly, I am concerned that birdroom door, is going to be closed alot more. Of course when I work, birdroom door will be closed. As someone has been home 24/7 all summer, birdroom door has been opened all the time. Kiki has especially thrived. She has never flown quite like she has done this summer. Hovering, landing with perfect precision. I just don't want her to lose the confidence she has gained. I think Sophie will do okay. Nancy

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Hi Nancy, I understand your feelings. My birds were out most of every day, then life happened, and I needed to take on 2 more jobs. I am working full time now, with misc. hours. I was worried my 3 would be upset for being in their cages for much of the day, but they seem to be fine. They are still just as happy and flying everywhere. Of course when I get home and try to peek at my iPad on the couch before cooking dinner, they all flock around me and I am at that moment filled with love and reminded, they really DO love me. In the mornings, they have come to expect their cage time. I have toy buckets I fill regularly and try to offer them new things a few times a week.

So relax, a schedule will fall into place and all will be well. You may find more lovin when you get home from them all!

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I really have nothing to add, since I've always worked since I got Timber and I only have one bird. I can understand that it might be overwhelming when you have had people helping with the care issues. I do the majority of his, but there is only one of him! I try to keep stuff in his cage to keep him occupied and he seems fine. He goes through most of my offerings by the time I get home (shredables and forage stuff).He is always very excited when I come home, just as he is when I get up in the morning. All I'm trying to say is that while I'd like to be able to have him with me all day, it isn't possible and we are both OK with it!

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