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Should I be concerned?


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Hey everyone...


Last night was Neytiri's initial vet visist. It went well... Even had her microchipped. it was late when we got home and i think she just went to sleep as I didn't see any evidence of her eating. This morning she was doing the feeding behavior and not showing interest in pellets or carrots (which she loves)... I was able to get her to eat a tiny bit of oatmeal but I couldn't leave it for her since I had to leave for work... I left her a few sunflower seeds, almonds, walnut, carrots, peas, kale and of course her pellets. When I weighed her this am she was down about 8g from yesterday. Could it just be the stress from last night and not feeling well from the injection of the chip? She felt well enough to fly across two rooms this am though. I plan on weighing her again tonight when I get home.


So... Should I be concerned or wait and see what happens as I'm doing what I should be doing?




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Both my breeder and vet gave me the 10% rule to go by-meaning that I only need to worry if Chickie shows a downward trend of weight and loses 10% of her weight. She usually weighs 426-430 and I weigh her the same time of day every time I weigh her. I'm not saying to not pay attention to weight loss, but, from what they both said, monitor weight and note any trends, but they can fluctuate and don't freak out unless the weight loss is trending and approaches 10%. Weight loss is the first indicator of possible sickness, but the 10% rule really helped me wrap my head around the idea of "how much is ok" and "when should I worry.". Hope that helps, I know it helped me a lot to not freak out over every little fluctuation.

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thanks... I was more concerned that she wasn't eating... I can't wait to get home to check on her tonight. I did call the vet and they said that if after i get home and see her if I'm still concerned to give them a call.

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thanks... I was more concerned that she wasn't eating... I can't wait to get home to check on her tonight. I did call the vet and they said that if after i get home and see her if I'm still concerned to give them a call.


Maybe she is still a little stressed from her first vet visit. It's a lot for a little gal! :)

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