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Update on Leo


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Hi all

Leo is settling very well here.

He`s still mad to see me and loves me.


Every night hes on my shoulder and happy.


He likes crisps but i wont let him have many..LOL he loves chicken even spicy stuff.

Sweetcorn on the cob he loves too.


Is it just me or do they look like they have a balaclava on.


Anyways hes way happy here with me and the family,but deffo loves me more than anyone.


If im in the room he makes a beeline for me and kisses my face.



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That is so sweet to hear that he loves you so much that he makes a beeline for you and kisses your face. He is a true little sweetheart and I am so happy for you.


Josey likes chicken also and corn on the cob is another favorite. Try some cooked dried beans and sweet potatoes as they are a favorite with Josey also.


Thanks so much for the update and glad that all is well for you and Leo.:P

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all and a Happy New Year!

Just a quick update on `Leo`.


Hes now been renamed Alfie by me and knows his new name lol.


Ive learned a lot in the last few months and grown even closer to my new buddy.


Hes an absolute star,great company and has moods just like anyone else.


By mistake ive found out that he loves dancing and singing to The Bare necessities from Jungle Book lol.I get everyone to sing along and dance and he just loves it..


Hes a bit of a glutton and will eat anything out of my mouth,especially if ive chewed it (YUK LOL):sick: then sometimes repays the favour with his regurgitated seeds and nuts.


Ive had no internet access for ages but now im reconnected will take some pics of him and post them up :)


If i call him a good boy he nods at me and if i tell him off he tuts.


I cant believe how well we have bonded in such a short space of time.

He loves me to bits and can mimic me perfectly saying hello.Knows my ringtone (mobile phone) and delights in copying me if i burp (sorry but its comical)


Happy days indeed ..



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Thanks for the update, Spikester, glad you two are enjoying each other so much. I'll just bet he is a little ham when it comes to dancing and if you have the means to take a short clip of him doing that we would love to see it.


I do have one bit of advice to give you though, do not give him food from your mouth and especially if you have chewed it, we have bacteria in our mouths that could make him very sick, they are not used to it.

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