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Vai is sick! =(


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omg I've been frantic all morning!! I woke up and vai had mucous in one nostril and goopy eyes!!!!

im devastated!!! she acted so normal yesterday!!


Ive been freaking out even more because the vet i go to is closed today because the doctor lost his father.


I have a vet appointment today with a different vet. OMG i'm freaking out.


I hope all goes well.

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I hope she is going to be fine but do keep us informed and keep your cool for you will be of no use to her if you freak out, these things happen and if you are freaking out then it is going to upset Vai too, I will be keeping you both in my thoughts that all will be ok.

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Vai passed away!!!! =( She faded so fast in such little time I don't know what happened! I'm in complete shock! For a moment her runny nose stopped because shortly after i posted this thread, I checked on her and i didn't see any more mucus...her nostril looked clear, but she still had goopy eyes. I had just gotten her carrier ready and when i went to go grab her, I saw her flip upside down on her perch. I quickly scooped her up in my arms and held her close to me. I knew she was fading. her wings hung limp, she was shaking, but she was holding on. I stepped out the door with her in my arms, the sunlight hit her, she flapped her wings.....and took her last breath.............I've been a wreck ever since. She had just turned 4 months today. RIP my baby Vai. =( =( =( =( =*(

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Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about Vai, she had a short life but was loved none the less, I suspect she was already sick when you brought her home and you should have a necropsy done to determine the cause for the other birds in that store might be infected by the same thing, again please accept my condolenses on your loss.

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Sarah I can't begin to tell u how broken hearted I am for u... she was only home 2 weeks.... u have to know it was nothing u did... but please get the necropsy done and although u are hurting and sad, the breeder must be held somewhat responsible... she could have gotten sick before coming home and nobody would've known... especially if she faded that fast... something could've been wrong before hand... again please accept my deepest sympathies ...

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I am so sorry for you and have complete sympathy for you. I lost my first grey, Neo, to a disease that he carried with him from the breeder. He lived just a little past his first hatch day. He also went very quick. I wasn't even here for him when he died. He was discovered in the bottom of his cage by our pet sitter while we were out of town. The necropsy performed identified the cause which is always fatal. We were just very lucky that our other two parrots did not contract the disease. Just know that you did nothing wrong and everything that you could to save your baby.

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