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How many hours a day napping/resting?


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I thought I was getting a toddler with wings. But wow, she's pretty chill most of the time. I am really surprised by how much she naps (or at least tries too, she's not used to having her cage in the center of the action and she 'naps' but opens her eyes every time somebody walks by the cage which is all the time. So how many hours a day does your TAG or CAG spend resting or sleeping?

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It is quite normal for Greys to nap. A lot depends on how much sleep time they get but don't expect them to be playing all the time. Remember also that her gage is also her refuge so it would be best placed so she can see the activity but also be able to chill out undisturbed. She dosen't want to just observe the action but also join in. Playing with her people is much more fun than any toy. Misty naps during the day in between playing or getting on my case but he also goes to bed later than most. He is out of his cage most of the time. As he is about nine his nap times may not be typical of a younger bird.

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You have to remember that Pepper is still very new to your home and is still observing whats going on in your home.

Even with their eyes closed they listen to whats going on. It sounds like Pepper is adjusting very well to your home.

There will come a day when you will wish for some peace and quiet. Maybe not with one bird, but you could end up with MBS.

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When I was on vacation, I was a bit surprised at how much Timber napped off and on throughout the day. I guess they are like cats and dogs, who never go into REM sleep thus need more sleep time? I remember reading that about "prey" animals. As judygram said, he can go from napping to alert in a second.

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As the others have said all opinions are correct in my eyes. i also say she must be adapting well to home if she feels comfortable enough to nap. I remember laughing when i read if it was on here or online somewhere where birds need 10 hours of undisturbed sleep...i cant think of any possible way a bird could do that stting high in a tree at night with 100's of other birds and night sounds and night predators lurking, unless you have her in a room with the tv on and your up to wee hours of the night with her or a party animal, shes probably getting enough sleep on her own. I have mine in a sleeping cage in a spare bedroom all night so if he doesnt get enough its not my fault.

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As the others have said all opinions are correct in my eyes. i also say she must be adapting well to home if she feels comfortable enough to nap. I remember laughing when i read if it was on here or online somewhere where birds need 10 hours of undisturbed sleep...i cant think of any possible way a bird could do that stting high in a tree at night with 100's of other birds and night sounds and night predators lurking, unless you have her in a room with the tv on and your up to wee hours of the night with her or a party animal, shes probably getting enough sleep on her own. I have mine in a sleeping cage in a spare bedroom all night so if he doesnt get enough its not my fault.


To be exact, our parrots need 10 to 12hrs undisturbed sleep time, what they mean is the parrot has this time to sleep and rest on his own. This also means by their clock, not ours.[sunset to sunrise.] Your parting statement really upsets me..."so if he doesnt get enough its not my fault." Jay

P.S. Judy s right!!!!!

Edited by Jayd
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This also means by their clock, not ours.[sunset to sunrise.]


I struggle with this one, myself. I have a long commute. If the birds are to get their "out of cage" quota...I have them up after the sun goes down.


If the job market wasn't so bleak, I'd be looking for a new job closer to home. The minute the tides turn...I'm on it!

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Jasper has a pretty regular sleep schedule but there will be times I notice that he's napping. Sometimes on top of his cage door, sometimes he actually goes in his cage on his own for a nap. (he won't go to bed on his own as my GCC does so I have to bribe him). He definately will take a nap after a rough play session with much swinging on, fighting and screaming at his toys.

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I struggle with this one, myself. I have a long commute. If the birds are to get their "out of cage" quota...I have them up after the sun goes down.


If the job market wasn't so bleak, I'd be looking for a new job closer to home. The minute the tides turn...I'm on it!


:)This is something that sometimes can't be helped. With your experience you can tell if your fid's are stressing, A bad sign would be wobbly and to much napping and other not normal behavior...

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:)This is something that sometimes can't be helped. With your experience you can tell if your fid's are stressing, A bad sign would be wobbly and to much napping and other not normal behavior...


Honestly, I think the stress is more on my end because I want only the best for them. :) However, they do seem to have more behavioral issues if they don't get their proper time outside the cage.


Still, the new job with less commute seems sooooo enticing...

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