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He must be from Mexico...


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So we have been bringing Mav's basket to the table every night for dinner and I have been offering him bites of my food. He hardly ever accepts anything, but I keep trying anyway. Tonight Eric really wanted Mexican and I didn't want to leave again since Maverick and the dogs had been caged all day while I was at work so I had him get it as carry out. O-M-G. He was going CRAZY. He begged more than my dogs did, and if I dared to stop offering it to him to take a bite myself he made all kinds of noise to just make it clear how displeased he was!! I couldn't shovel it to his little beak fast enough! (Now, he takes very little bits at once so the overall quantity of food he got was small..no worries). I just thought it was HILARIOUS!!! He got so fed up with how slow my food-to-mouth delivery service was that he just took matters into his own hands :)Maverick.jpg

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Funny! Cute pic too. They sure do have individual tastes. I've read that most greys like spicy food. That isn't my experience with Timber, he prefers stuff on the bland side for the most part. When I first got him, I ordered him some of those dried peppers with the stalks to hang on his cage. He would quickly strip the pepper off, drop it, then scratch himself with the stalk. When he was finished he'd shred the stalk. Entertainment for him, but not quite what I had in mind!

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You are gonna find that if he sees you are eating anything he will want some of it and it doesn't surprise me he ate the mexican food for hot stuff doesn't bother them like it does us and greys have no patience whatsoever and gratification has to be immediate.

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