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Ugly toys

Ray P

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Some of the most awful looking toys I ever made for my parrots were their favorites.

They did not care if they were cut striate or square as long as they were fun.

No paint for color, no Fancie cut for looks just this ugly string of wooden cut offs.

In about two hours it did not make a difference if they looked good or not, they were tore up. Wood splinters every place and a bird with a smile on its beak

Edited by Ray P
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Apparently beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Timber's favorites include grocery sacks, junk mail, assorted pieces of cardboard, and a small blue ball that looks like it sailed in the ark. Oh! And plastic drinking straws of any color. Not a toy made with them (not much interest there) but just a straw straight out of the wrapper.

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I don't leave the straw in the cage with him when I'm not in here. He loves to fray the end then use it to scratch his head and neck. It's like a birdie back scratcher! If there is a danger here I'm not aware of, someone please tell me. I use the large straws from the convenience store (no, not used), not the little skinny ones.

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Jake also love straws. I put 1/2 of one through the opening of a peg clothes pin and he is happily chewing away. The second surprise is him loving to push green colored bottles off the table. He can't be bothered with the clear ones but goes for the green. I filled a 20 ounce one with water so he has to work for it. Its funny really. Jake doesn't push the bottle over he pushes it from the bottom so it doesn't tip.

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The most fun and inexpensive foraging toy came about when I tripped over a shoe on the floor. Take a piece of paper and fold it into a fan (like when you were a kid) release the paper on a table or surface, its now all bendy and bouncy. Sprinkle some seed over it. You now have a bendy, bouncy, foraging station with seeds in the folds. Jake loves poking through it looking for goodies and then chewing on the paper.

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Darwin LOVES his straw toys. I make them with a whacky whirly to make them into strips, then bunch them together with a zip tie. I dont leave these in his cage, just in case, but he loves them. (pic attached) I only leave wooden and strong acrylic toys in his cage and check them daily. I've gone on a toy making kick, at the price of them, its far cheaper to buy the hardware parts (I only use stainless steel) and make my own.


Green and white straws on the boing toy


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