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OK this thread is specifically for anyone who has experience with hand feeding a grey ... stormy is giving me a hard time this past week.. she is on 3 feedings a day and has started on solids and pellets.. although she is 10 weeks now I'm afraid to eliminate a feeding as she is not eating abundantly yet on her own and seems very hungry but uninterested at all of her feedings... my concern is that last week her empty weight was 403 and each day she goes down instead of up.. today she was 396 and I'm usually able to get her to eat at least 50 CC at each feeding and the past few days I'm lucky if I get 30 CC down her.. I know theyre supposed to lose a bit while weaning... but I'm worried.. I'm by no means a novice at this but it is my first grey.. and its been a year since I've weaned a baby.. so I need some moral support and advice please.. I have introduced brown rice, collard greens, yellow squash, brussel sprouts, broccoli ,corn, green beans, oatmeal, applesauce , blueberries, banana, strawberry, peaches, cherries, and Harrison pellet and roudy bush pellet and nutriberries as a treat only... her hand formula is zoopreme embrace plus... private message me with any help you have to offer... thanks a million!

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OK this thread is specifically for anyone who has experience with hand feeding a grey ... stormy is giving me a hard time this past week.. she is on 3 feedings a day and has started on solids and pellets.. although she is 10 weeks now I'm afraid to eliminate a feeding as she is not eating abundantly yet on her own and seems very hungry but uninterested at all of her feedings... my concern is that last week her empty weight was 403 and each day she goes down instead of up.. today she was 396 and I'm usually able to get her to eat at least 50 CC at each feeding and the past few days I'm lucky if I get 30 CC down her.. I know theyre supposed to lose a bit while weaning... but I'm worried.. I'm by no means a novice at this but it is my first grey.. and its been a year since I've weaned a baby.. so I need some moral support and advice please.. I have introduced brown rice, collard greens, yellow squash, brussel sprouts, broccoli ,corn, green beans, oatmeal, applesauce , blueberries, banana, strawberry, peaches, cherries,---stop feeding constantly and Harrison pellet and roudy bush pellet and nutriberries as a treat only... her hand formula is zoopreme embrace plus... private message me with any help you have to offer... thanks a million!



I have a bit of experience with hand feeding a grey. At one point all greys start to shun their formula feedings. Usually, it's 2 feeding until the bird won't accept it anymore. There's no time schedule. Some birds will do that at any time they're ready to wean. Some do it at 10 wks,some 13 wks, some do it 18 weeeks etc etc. Cut down on all those fruits. Just give a variety of vegetables as green as you can find them. Put pellets in with him and if he isn't able to eat the medium sized pellets, use the next size smaller. Right now his system is maturing and it needs solid food. Continue with the formula but if he refuses a feeding, don't force it in him.

Increase his solid food intake and have solid food around where he can easily get to. That means 24/7

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Thanks Dave! I'm on it .. I have 2 sizes of pellet that is always avail... I give her greens every day with her brown rice and I put the tiny pellet (Harrison's) in with the mixture... because they can spoil I leave that in with her for 4 to 6 hours.. I then make an oatmeal mixture with the fruits and tiny pellets again.. and I leave that in for a few hours..and her formula feedings are at 8am , 4pm, and 10pm... tonight was the worst.. barely 30 cc I tried seringe and spoon... and she kept running into me to snuggle... I put her on her T stand and she jumps off ... driving me batty! Lol I've done this so many times with so many babies and I've never had such a hard time ... lol thanks again for the input... :-) I really appreciate it..

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Last night she refused her feeding... I left plenty of pellets and fresh greens over night... it looks like she ate some... then I go to give her her morning feeding and she refused that one too! So I made some oatmeal with banana and apple sauce and Harrison's pellets mixed in it and she ate it like nobody's business! She doesn't want her formula I think... will try again this afternoon... wish me luck! Her weight is steady tho and her poop is perfect so I won't freak out ... yet! :-)

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