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My not so deleted post

Ray P

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The other night I started a post "For the love of zons" and I was having brain farts and it was not coming out like I wanted it to.

I had a number of paragraphs written, and as I reread them, It did not say what I wanted it to, so I deleted the post, I thought.

The next day when I came home I was surprised to see part of the post was not deleted, but I had a number of nice replies. So maybe my post are too long.

So any way when I get it right, I will repost it.

Parrots bring so much more to our life than what you see on the surface, Even Amazons

They say amazons are not for new parrot care givers. Is this not true of all parrots. Its a matter of degree as their needs are not so different. Proper diet, housing, interaction and socializing.

Comments welcome.

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We love our Kiki, Orange Wing Amazon. She is the only bird, that goes thru a Molt. Everyone understands, and tolerates her behavior problems. She is truly loved by everyone. We all love how brave she is, trying new foods and toys. I LOVE, how she fly's so well. She will land on my wrist, when I am eating a popsicle, she waits until their is one bite left, takes the stick and flies away! LOL!( I know she is waiting for the last bite!) Kiki is our bird that loves adventure, and will try anything. She doesn't talk alot... but when she say's " uhoh". she has broken something! LOL Nancy

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