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Here we again, back from the vet.


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I spoke with his previous owner yesterday. She sent me a list of words they say he says. Thank heavens he has only said the good ones. Wow, if he really says these things... She said he got it from HBO but i am not to sure about that,lol. I went outside with him yesterday and he was so excited. We do this thing where i hold him up and he spreads his wings and tries to flap while i walk fast or trot. I really think if he lets his wing feathers grow he could catch some wind! He can't fly because of the joint thing but if he keeps practicing he may go a little distance with a smoother landing. I was trying to bring him back inside and when i would get near the door, he would open his wings up where we didn't fit thru! Lil stinker, i loved it!

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Good for him even if cannot ever achieve flight I think strengthening his muscles and skills will be a very good thing. His balance and confidence will both blossom with your helpful exercise program. do be extra cautious outside though as even wing damaged birds have been caught in a gust of wind and lost or taken by a Hawk off some ones shoulder. Harness with a light leash are a handy security device.

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Oh yeah, all the fids will be getting harnesses when we go the the bird show on the 20th! ( our first one in over 20 yrs, i am so excited ) The run that bubba and i do is from their aviary to the door or from his stand to their bedroom! ( with a wide berth from point a to point b! Lol but yes, we are very watchful! )

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Yup, and i am a clutz!

I gotta tell you guys about Oliver. I have not been talking much about him because Bubba issues came up but tonight he got so excited about his dinner, he leapt from his stand to my arm for it! His weight keeps going up each week too! He is now almost 1000 grams! PDD my butt! Now we gotta get Bubba back up, his last weigh in was 830. He is a smaller macaw, but thats a big loss since his butt issue started up.

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His weight yesterday was 812. That is only 3 grams less than it was Sept. 2, about one week after this all began. He seems to be feeling okay, still strains when he poops but nothing like he use to. He was supposed to go back to the vet today but we have to wait till next Monday. He is really talking up a storm lately. It was major clean cages day yesterday so while the vaccuum was on he was yelling "help, ouch". That got hubby running to him only to have him say "pretty bird, hello" when he got to him! It is so funny to have him just talking all the time now. When i put them to bed last night he said "bye" 4 times to me. Gotta work on getting him to say good night cuz i don't like hearing bye at night! We got our books Friday, Parrot Problem Solver, and Clicker Training as suggested. It rained all weekend here so we got to read them. Hubby wanted to start the problem one so i read the clicker book. Great book, gave so many suggestions that really seem like they will help us out. What is sticking out most right now is the hint on stick training your bird, since he was on a stick when i got one of my bad bites from him. It said to use a 2 liter soda bottle and cut off the bottom and slip it on the stick, like a fencing sword, to protect your hand. Thats a winning idea to me so off I went and got ice cream and rootbeer to make floats so i would have a bottle! Lol oh what we do for our birds!

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Oh the suffering, night after night now. Ice cream and rootbeer, not... sure... i can... drink... one... more.. Eh, who am i kidding, bring em on!

I was pleasantly surprised today to get a call from our vet. I had to reschedule Bubbas appointment to next Monday and all he knew was that Bubba didn't come in today. It is refreshing to know that he thinks beyond an appointment. Bubba is doing great though and i can't wait to ask him when he had time to put a voice box in Bubba. Today instead of barking, he actually said arf arf, not the sound, just said arf! Since last Wednesday, i have been working full time, just thru this week so the owner could take a vacation. It is killing me being away from the kiddos like this! I am in bed with my 7 yr old puppy trying to figure out how to bring them all in here with us to cuddle. I feel guilty, like i am not spending enough time with them. Bongo wouldn't come out of his cage tonight for over an hour.

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LOL to the arf, arf. Guess the real bark wasn't provoking the response he wanted! I know what you mean about guilt, but I have to work full-time. Especially now that I have this bird with expensive habits ;) I just do what I did when my children were small, try to make the time we do have quality time!

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I don't want to throw another book at you...but, if you aren't getting what you need out of the current ones, I think Ann Castro's books provide a solid base for training. If you have a book reader, they are inexpensive too. http://www.amazon.com/bird-school-Clicker-training-parrots/dp/3939770035/ref=la_B004T066TQ_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1349292315&sr=1-2


Diet Coke floats rule!!! :) I am a bona fide DC addict. I have three addictions: birds, theater and Diet Coke. Life is good!

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All books and learning are always welcome! I will check it out.

I found out i was being emotional past few days cuz i was sick, doh! Ya think i would know better but, it wasn't till the fever hit hard that my light bulb came on! 90 degrees outside and i was in a jacket, hubby asked if i was ok and i looked at him and started laughing and said, now that you mention it no. After choking down dinner, and that is literal ( poor hubby had to heimlich me last night ), i went to bed. Today was much better, not beating myself up today! Pity party is over, watch out birdies! Lol

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I found out i was being emotional past few days cuz i was sick, doh!


Take care of yourself, Sweetie! The kids need you. :)


I swear my birds can sense my, ahem (sorry lads), my cycle. Luckily, I'm heading into an early end (I'm only 43, but I welcome it for sure!)

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Been a few years for me, spaying is a wonderful thing! Bubba yelled at me yesterday! I was cleaning the stands while they were on them, had the vaccuum going and he went off on me yelling. I over cleaned because i couldn't stop laughing. His sweet little hellos turned into a very sarcastic helllloooo. The parrot garble in angry loud tones, full running statements. Then when i did stop, i turned to get the newspaper to line with and he went right to his food bowl and shoved it all out to the floor. I guess he wasn't done yelling at me!

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He would have to tell me what he is saying first! When i steam mop, he is just fine, even likes to learn words. Regular mop and his wings go up, vaccuum and he yells! I mean, i know its loud but gesh! Lol I gotta suck the stuff up first before i can mop!

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Well after one week of no bites, from any of them, Bubba goes back to the vet tomorrow. So much for my record of being bandaide free for a week.

All the kids love orange juice, Oliver makes his own by squeezing them in his water. I decided to try and make them some oj popsicals. They came out great, went and bought some cute little molds and the sticks, too bad the hate them! Bubba flipped his over and chewed the stick while the oj melted making a sticky mess, Oliver gave me the foot chop, Bongo ran to the other side of his stand and Gabby just looked at me like," really? ".

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You are giving us great new things to try. What creative minds you have, thanks for the ideas. Hope the vet trip goes well and is the beginning of Bubba's less invasive check ups. It would be great for him to have a memory of a visit where you could say "there, that wasn't so bad" for your sake as well as his.

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