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Here we again, back from the vet.


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Super news!! Really enjoyed everything in the 'bucket, too!


Although Phenix...? Not so much. He was behind me while I was watching the vids & I suddenly realized he'd gone very quiet. Given the look in his eyes & the posture, well let's just say I don't think he wants a new B&G for Xmas. lol

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Now that Bubba is all squared away it is Olivers turn. He goes in Monday. Since we rehomed him and his positive test for pdd, he has gained over 100 grams, slow and steady. They say now that he is just a carrier of it so all is well. We are kindred hearts, i carry the tb virus he carries the pdd, lol. The vet has not seen him in 6 months so i can not wait to see his reaction to the changes in him!

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Hands down the funniest thing ever so far from our boys. Pat and i laughed so hard at Oliver and Bubba last night there was no sound coming from either of us, just tears rolling from our eyes. Lets see if i can describe what happened...Oliver and Bubba were playing on the back of the couch. The couch that Gabby has claimed as her own. The boys were cooing and grooming each other when Gabby spotted them on her turf. She flew over to the couch, nearest to Bubba. Bubba just looked at her, not a care in the world. Oliver then decided to take matters into his own hands, he crouched down low and started to go toward her but alas, Bubba was in the way. No worries he thought, i will just squeeze right past him. Off he went, he really did try to get past him but Bubba started to slip down toward the seat of the couch in slow motion. Oliver stopped and watched and was so in a trance watching Bubba slide down he started to slip also. Bubba landed on his back, tail under himself, Oliver on top of him. Oliver managed to get off of him but Bubba was stuck, feet and wings slowly moving around so he could roll over. Gabby of course, who started all this, is contently sitting on Pats shoulder now watching these two with a look of pure power as if she was saying, "See boys, don't mess with my stuff"! Even if i had my camera with me, i was laughing too hard to have even tried to capture this. That was hours of laughing for us, just the shocked looked on Bubbas face as he went sliding down the back of the couch, then the matching look on Ollies face when he realized he was sliding down too! Its the next day and as i am writing this i am still laughing.

Edited by murfchck
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The video of your playful boy enjoying a game was adorable, Bubba was cute too. LOL. Your description of Gabby setting Bubba and Oliver in motion was enough to make me laugh too, I can barely imagine how much fun you have at your house. Gilbert is going to be asking for siblings on his Christmas list the way you make it all work in your home.

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We have figured out that the only way we will ever have a hot dinner again is to go out for it, and with all the mouths we have to feed, who can afford it! Lol I actually am feeling like a bad mommy right now, i ran out of needles for my doggies insulin shot. :'( . This morning i gave it to her but in the dark and think i missed her butt but in case i didn't i did not want to give her another one and then tonight i find no needles left. Yikes

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We woke up to snow, light dusting, yesterday. I rescheduled Oliivers appt since he is naked and i didn't want to shock his little body. So, we are shooting for next Monday now. I noticed last night that when he was playing with Bubba he kept trying to spread and raise his wings. Bubba does that to us to try and show us how mean he is, lol, Oliver was just trying to copy him and was having fun with it!

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Had to call the vet yesterday. Since Bubba got back from the vet, off and on he has had this sickening sweet smell coming from his breath. We remembered reading that it wasn't a good sign, food stuck in crop or something like that. Vet said not to worry, they had given him harrison pellets and that tends to happen with that brand food. If his poop starts smelling, then we need to get him in. His poop always smells so how would i know the diff?? Pat got his first bad Bubba bite last night. He didn't handle it well but didn't sling him which is a gut reaction when your thumb is being crushed! All is good though, Bubba just didn't want to stop playing with Oliver right then. They have this new game they play, i call it, "how many holes can we put in the couch before they catch on" game. Lol

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Our poor furniture is layered in blankets yet they still manage to find the fabric under them! Lol The pillows, forget trying to protect them, i gave up. When we have company it takes about an hour to make our house people friendly again! I spent all day Monday cleaning, Tuesday i was videoing the fids and when i went back to watch it, you couldn't even tell i had cleaned! Paper shredded everywhere, poopies, toys and boxes all over.

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That is a familiar story , ditto here. Right now we also have a little mangy dog in our upstairs bathroom, he climbed into the car while I locked the Sanctuary gate. Couldn't kick him out into the cold all naked, scabby & hungry. He looks like a toy size Chupacabra (google that if you don't know).

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Lol, be careful, thats how i ended up with 3 of my 4 dogs! One was someone asked us to keep their dog over the weekend, 5 years later she is still here! Thats one hell of a weekend if you ask me! Actually, she was taken (stolen) out of a back yard where the owner had her chained to a tree without food or water during a winter sleet storm with a litter of pups. A neighbor couldn't take seeing that and hopped the fence and got her and the pups. All the pups were homed right away but mom wasn't and they didn't want the neighbor to know they took her so she was staying with us until a home was found. I think they never looked, it was my hubbys sister!

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We have a history of rescues here, our current dog keep jumping into the car when I went to pick up the kids from school. She stunk, no one admitted she was theirs so daughter gave her a good bath we all thought that would discourage her but all it did was confirm she was ours now. This one is not staying we will get his little bare backside a new home when healthy and neutered. Sophie in the bath http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa264/Firefly_mom/SophieBath.jpg

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How cute she is!

Oliver is rescheduled for his appt on Monday at noon! I told Pat that Bubba must be getting ill again, he is letting me pet him again and play with him, lol. Since he does lalalalala so well, i am adding the fa in front of it and singing the whole song. Last night he was doing his best to sing it back to me, the sweetest thing ever! We played peek a boo, wheres Bubba? and got your nose! I get so excited when he likes me and isn't striking at me! Lol

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Vet day! How silly that i am actually excited about taking Oliver in today! Lol. I just want the vet to see how great he is doing now. I am not excited about the nail trim though. They cut Bubbas so much shorter last time he keeps slipping off his stand, over the weekend he fell atleast 4 times. Oliver can't afford to slip off of anything. Lol

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Arggg, rescheduled yet again. It has been crazy around here. If they had appointments at midnight there would be no issues. His appointment was at noon and an emergency came in and they pushed it to 3. I couldn't do 3 so we are just going to wait now until they slow down! Oliver is really starting to copy Bubba now, it is so cute to see him watching Bubba then trying to do what he does, raising his wings or mumbling.

Not that this is a good thing but Bubba got startled yesterday when Gabby did a fly by over his head, we are still laughing behind his back. The macaws were playing on the back of the couch, Pat was with Gus beside the couch and Gabby wanted to be with Pat. She flew over the boys and scared Bubba who looked up at her and said "f****k", really slow and drawn out. Just like a reaction any person would have had. That is the third time now he has used that word, we tried to cover it by saying stuff like Bubba had to duck? Once we were outside though, we were laughing until tears were flowing! No one can convince me they are mimicing the words, he knew what he felt when he said that!

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There is never a dull moment in your house. I am with you on the shock value of seeing or rather hearing a parrot tell you just what they are thinking, I am holding my breath and hoping Gilbert's one little naughty pleasure is going to be the "worst" of it but he has left me speechless at trying to figure out a better alternative. I am pretty darn sure he knows what he is doing too when he comes out with his sailor talk and turns me silent. We have had so many vet visits in the past two weeks, that I may as well ask to have my name on a parking space. Not with our parrots, thank goodness.

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Ahh, how the tides have changed. Bubba bit Pat again, right on the base of his thumb nail. He was talking and carrying him walking past Oliver and Bubba wanted to stop and play, Pat didn't get the hint so...chomp! We had our neighbor over, who has the scarlet i talk about, he was freaking out about it, we just were like "oh well, it happens". After he left Pat said he was kinda proud of his scars from bites and there is a story for each one. They don't bite for no reason, each is a lesson he is proud to have learned from. Okay, he had drank a few beers by that time, but waking up and thinking about it, its true! We can't learn if we don't ever try! This guy was complaining about a quaker pooping on him, really? Ever seen a greys bomb in the morning? Lol

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Gesh, after my excitement of Oliver saying bye, in my rush to tell ya'll i forgot or ignored the fact that Gabby HATES electronics. She kept attacking my tablet. I put it up but it was too late, the mood was set. Pat came in and she got sweet again and came to me and wanted up my arm. I should have know right then somthing was up but all i could think was "she wants me, she is coming to me!" She promptly ran up my arm and took a huge bite out of the back of my neck! After that, i guess she thought i had learned my lesson on electronics being around her. She went to time out for a few minutes and came out sweet as pie. My first bad Gabby bite was because of the cell phone and it left a scar, i am glad i can't see this last one it feels huge and even the next day its burning! For some reason when a macaw bites, its like hitting your thumb with a hammer, little throbbing and its done, when Gabby bites, it is like ear piercing. It hurts when they do it, then the pain lasts for days!

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