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I know! I can't believe i am upset about his weight. They said he is holding his own and thats good news. One year ago he was 20g thinner. I feel bad though, today he is moving soooo slow. He doesn't do well with nail trims.

Bongos beak grows fast cuz he doesn't chew wood or even eat nuts to help maintain it, so we'll be back soon. He had three trims in one year, and that should have been 4.

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You might try adding some thick untreated grape vine to the area Bongo likes to climb the most. It is rough but not to hard so the beak gets used to aid climbing. (it also has a shredable outer bark so its something interesting to pick at)

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Its funny, but he isn't a climber either. It is kinda sad how he just sits on the stand and walks where he can walk, but that is an upgrade from when we got him. We use to call him our statue, he has really started to venture some. He flys to me now with just a whistle but is petrified of everything. I will try grapevine, it sure can't hurt! Thanks!

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I think some fids eventually become conditioned to sit & do nothing when that's all they can do year after year. Once they're back in a healthy environment some seem to need to re-learn how to be a normally active parrot again. How long they take to engage socially, fly, play may depend on the fid's personality, health & age.


Bongo's finally healthy. That may have slowed him down some, though. But it almost sounds like he's totally content w/that & his amazing new environment. There's a lot of activity to observe, all that great interaction & stimulus, not to mention that incredible aviary, when it's available.


So maybe it's time to try to teach Bongo to play, again. Don't know how many times I've posted this book. With all the different types of material she uses, it's hard to believe there's not something for everyone.




Thinking maybe something like this because of the food. Maybe a foot toy to start. Then hang it once you've got a combo that he'll take apart. Cuttle bone chunks & bone might help w/his beak, too.



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Ahh, i went to my regulat pet supply places today to find grapevine but only found smooth one, thanks for showing that picture and where you got them. I will look tonight online. Bongo does play in his cage in the low light time before bed, but its with a whiffle ball and a baby play phone. And his bells, Lord love a duck, his bells! Lol

Oh and his roll of adding paper.

Edited by murfchck
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We are trying again with the feather in product. Oliver, Bubba and Gus. I mixed it right finally and it went great, Gus was the only one who didn't like it but i don't think he is use to regular bathing. He is a feather chewer and his chest is bald so, it can't hurt anything.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We have noticed new feathers on Bubbas wing! He had chewed them all off one wing before he came to us, but he now has 4-6 coming in. Good and bad feeling with this, lol. We have been teaching him to fly and to keep his muscles built up but with feathers, he could really manage it. Having 2 greys and a U2 flying around is hectic but if we add a macaw to the mix, someone better come looking for me if you notice i don't post for a few days, i will be hiding in a corner drooling!

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Since Oliver doesn't fly, i guess he is trying to keep Bubba grounded. Tonight during their play time we heard an awful scream. Looked to see Oliver with Bubbas tail in his beak pulling him across the table. It was so hard not to laugh at that sight.

Poor Oliver tries soo hard to spread his wings out like Bubba. It is actually opening more and who knows, he is still young, he may just stretch those muscles and ligaments out!

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  • 3 weeks later...

A funny moment. My hubby getting frustrated with Bubba, but he is the one who taught him the word what!

Pat gave me the evening off. He cleaned cages, bowls, cooked dinner and even got me a present! What i enjoyed most though was the banter between Pat and Bubba. If Pat went out of eye shot, Bubba would yell his name. If Pat didn't answer, Bubba would say Pats name more sing songish. Pat would say Bubbas name back at him and Bubba replied with "what?" as if Pat was calling for him. He would walk over to him and explain what he was doing and Bubba was really paying attention to him. Pat would walk away and right away Bubba is calling for Pat again. Pat goes back to him and explains again, Bubba cocks his head to the side and says "what?" He had to have said what 20 times before Pat turns to me and asked, "who taught him that damn word?" My reply to him was, at least he isn't asking why, you would be there all night if he did!

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  • 1 month later...

Hello dude..Its very superb thinking question about the scale checking because in the food to check the sugar level with the scale is very tough job because i listen first time these types of statement..Which scale is best for that procedure?

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  • 1 month later...

It sure isn't. This poor guy has been through the ringer more than any of the others thats for sure.

I guess all the tears over Oliver and his pdd got me ready to tackle anything because instead of crying and whining about it, we laid out a plan of attack to get him over this bump, so to speak.

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So he got a soaking bath yesterday to clean up the area so we could get a closer look and hopefully push it back inside him if we could. After the soak his butt was pretty clear and we could not find it again. Maybe it went back in by itself, who knows but the poor guy took a big ol poop right after and was very happy. Still going to keep a very close eye on it, have the ointment ready! He was so happy he let me give him kisses and gave them back to me, that is a first since he ripped my lip open. He even let me preen his new feathers in his head and neck.

  • Haha 1
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