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Here we again, back from the vet.


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Argh! I know what you mean about the bites. I've taken several the last few days and it does feel like an ear piercing, only not in cartilage! Still trying to figure out the trigger though. Vet told me this morning to take the new toys out of his cage, which I was going to do anyway. Sure hope that is what it is.

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Boy was Bubba a mess yesterday. He fell off his stand twice, being a booger trying to pick him back up, then off the couch when i went outside. I came back in a noticed my kitchen was destroyed, dish towels everywhere and drawers open. I was outside about 2 minutes, he opened the drawers and got up on the counter no doubt by the evidence he left behind! Then Gus took flight around the room, then Bongo who didn't land so well. In fact, ever seen a grey with a black eye? Yikes, poor Pat got home at around 7pm and all i could say was, " i broke the birds today! " lol

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Ahhh, much better evening with them! Today should be interesting. Daddy is off and i will be at work, lets see if he breaks anyone! They have a mind of their own so he is in for a treat! It is funny how diff they are during the morning verses the afternoon hours, and how they know the weekend. He doesn't get the morning time cuz he is at work, weekends are calm.

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I had to laugh at the mischief Bubba got into in the kitchen, of course it was only because I was not the one there to clean up the mess. Not only do you have to figure out what each of them likes or more importantly doesn't like, but they quickly learn from each other and have you outnumbered. When Pat is home alone with them, don't be surprised if he tells you how good they are for him. Better still, don't trust him, get a web cam so you can see whether they really are angels or if he is making it up. LOL.

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Lol, he said they were good UNTIL about noon. Then they started screaming! Lol

Totally right about the learning from each other.. Bah hum bug, Gabby taught Bongo how darn fun it is to dump the water bowls. Bongo is my little sponge and picks up all the others habits!

Edited by murfchck
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Not even sure where to post this story as it involves all my little fids..

Last night i was heating up some oil. The greys were put in their room, which is a good distance from the kitchen with 3 sharp turns involved. The macaws playing on the couch, they don't fly so no worries with them. Gus on his stand, which we had to move again since the trim around my window he was near is no more and my pretty pretty flowing curtain looks like swiss cheese. Gus is screaming now because he can't see us, i asked Pat to stay by me just incase because you just never know. Bubba got fed up with Gus i guess, next thing we hear is Gus screams getting closer, we turn just in time to catch him heading towards us. Okay, Pat goes to take him back to the stand and here comes Bubba into the kitchen, laughing his butt off. Gus on stand, Bubba back on couch still laughing, Pat and myself still in shock. Then we see Oliver hanging from the couch, he we assume was going to help Bubba out but got himself stuck, so to speak, so off to help him out. Things resume in the kitchen within seconds as oil you can't leave unwatched. Then we hear feathers flying again, Gabby gracefully lands on Pats shoulder who now understands why i asked him to stay with me in the kitchen!

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Yeah, the kitchen has always scared me a little w/all my fids being flighted. Have to admit over time they got pretty good about staying out unless I actually carry them in though.


That said, I learned a long time ago things can always change in a heartbeat. So I have a push rod w/a sheer in the door way. I just drop it whenever I need & leave it tied to one side otherwise. I really don't even notice it's there anymore.


But I've never had such big birds to out smart either. I don't know if something like this would be more trouble than it's worth. I've seen slight variations of them around. It might be a heavier duty alternative to my little safety precaution though.





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The big boys decided they were ready for a change. Bubba fell (so i thought) from his stand yesterday, so i went and put him back on. Before i could walk away the little bugger jumped off it again. He went right to Olivers stand and climbed up, then when Pat got home he put them both on the bigger stand to play for a while. Bubba jumped again and went back to Olivers stand. We couldn't win! They both just love their couch playtime, Pat makes them a fort now out of pillows, and Bubba backs his butt in it. The noises that come out of them are so funny. Oliver just talks and talks in his jibberish, running all around. He runs up to the back of the couch talking to us and we know he is trying to tell us something but not a clue what! Today is Bongos birthday (homecoming day) and the 24th is Olivers, what a difference a year makes!

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Oh boy, we went out to dinner Friday evening. We just needed a little fun time by ourselves, no birds and no dogs. Went to our little local bar for nachos and video poker. Sounds fun right? We were there about 30 minutes and an older gentleman with one leg and a bird on his shoulder came in. My first thought was anger, smoke filled room with drunks... He went to the outside patio, beautiful weather so okay. I decided to go talk with him, as did another guy who i later found out was a retired cop. This bird hopped my shoulder and wouldn't get off. A few hours later me and this guy decided the older guy needed a ride home and we were going to take him. Mind you, this little bird is still on my shoulder thank heaven, cuz when this guy got up he fell right down. Got him and "George" home safely. He was birdie sitting for a friend. So my peaceful birdieless evening was spent with someone elses bird!

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Yeah, its so hard though to keep them apart, they have so much fun. As fun as that fort was for them, they didn't get to enjoy it for long. Pat was trying to pick them up, as he normally does, Oliver first. Bubba got protective and bit Oliver, he in turn bit Pat so we are fortless as anger at being removed from the fort was not something we want to do again.


Here is normal play. Look at Oliver now! A face only a mother could love!

Edited by murfchck
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Holidays are over so now Oliver and Bongo go for their check ups on Monday! Thats gunna be a handful getting them there. Lol. I am dropping them off instead of scheduling an appointment. Its like a day away for them, birdie day care. They love the vet and the techs so it isn't tramatic for them. Plus Bongo needs a major beak trim so let me be the hero and rescue him from those meanies! Lol They both have nominated me for bad mommy of the year for letting the beak and Ollies nails get out of hand!

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Off to the vet in a few hours! It was a beautiful weekend so all the kiddos were in the aviary! That was our chance to modify the large stand for the macaws. We seperated them and put Oliver on a smaller one cuz he kept falling off the big one but after a month we found that it wasn't working for them. Bubba would jump off the big one and try and climb up Olivers, sometimes making it. Oliver was always trying to climb down his too. So, we added a butt load of branches making it look like a highway mix master. Added 3 boings for them to climb on and easy access to all the levels they have never used before. And if they do slip, there are lots of places for them to try and grab hold of to keep from hitting the floor! It was pretty funny though, when they were outside Pat went and got them each a nut and handed them out then went back inside. Bubba yelled "Pat" and when Pat answered him with "What? I am inside." Bubba dropped his nut and very loudly said "Crap!" His use of words floor me sometimes. The flybye of Gabby and him being shocked by it saying the f word as she flew overhead. And my favorite of Pat trying to pick him up and him taking off running saying "help, help". Sometimes Oliver will beak him and he will make a little noise then look at us and say, "Ouch".

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According to the vet, Oliver is doing good. I am not sure about his weight they took. We have been weighing them all and his came in at 870g. Our scale had him last at 940g. They said that scales vary but Bongos weight was right on target. Other than that, Ollie is doing great. Bongo on the other hand has a thick beak that grows straight out, top and bottom, it should grow downwards. I was told by another vet that he had a liver issue as a baby causing the thick beak, my vet said liver wouldn't cause that. He wants to do bloodwork later on, maybe after his next beak trim so he can see exactly how it is growing. Said it could be as simple as adding to or changing his diet. Dang, he was my healthy one! He did a wonderful job on his beak though, and Bongo wasn't even phased by it. For the first time he looks like a normal grey. Gotta watch his bites now, he is a strong sucker but had never broken skin because of the thickness, now him and Gabby look alike other than her leg!

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