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Here we again, back from the vet.


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How can you stand having political adds at home as well as radio & TV I wold rethink that one it will keep coming back for years.


I wholeheartedly agree Jill, its bad enough we are bombarded with the ads on tv and the radio but to have to listen to that for years to come is more than I could bear, glad its your house and not mine.

And of course Bubba was saying "hi beautiful" to you and no one else, he knows which side of his bread is buttered!


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I agree with you both on that and talked with Pat this afternoon about stopping it, Lol, he also agreed so he is changing it to "bock bock chicken" now. Thank heavens!

Bubba finally tried his orange juice popsicle, he liked it! Then he helped me with dinner. Gabby tried to help but flying by and stealing potato skins was not really a help since we had to stop everything and chase her to get them back. Oliver even joined in but Bongo was scared of everyone around so he stayed on his stand and watched.




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Thanks! I thought that about Oliver but i'm his "mommy" and love is blind so... Lol

Okay, so remember me saying Bubbas previous owners told me he swears? I didn't believe them, have never heard anything close to a cuss word. Welp, guess i better open my ears wider. Had complete strangers in our home tonight when Bubba dropped the "f" bomb, so they told me, i wasn't in the room. I don't blush but boy did i tonight. He made some noises after that we think the guy may have mistaken for that word, cuz when he says something it is clear as a bell, man i hope hope he didn't say that. Oliver was a show off, we were shocked at how social he was, lifting his foot to step up. We told them all not to get close though, told them how far their necks stretch out. They were scared so kept a good distance.

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Haha, went to the bird fair (mart) show yesterday! Been waiting and planning and saving for this for months! Sad to say that if it were not for 2 vendors there, it would have been a let down. Almost every booth there with toys we just as expensive as the pet stores, one even higher. One booth we did find though, hand made all their toys and had just the perches we were hoping to find. We pretty much bought every large perch they had and 2 double perch swings, single swings and oh so much more. All their stuff was made of Dragonwood. Filled up the back of my jeep! Long ride home though with all the bells ringing, so we stopped for lunch. While there we started talking about a huge double macaw cage that we saw. Pat got the guys card out and called him and offered him a price he would pay for it if they didn't sell it by the end of the show. The guy said he didn't care to wait and he would bring it to us in 30 minutes and would include step perches since we would be using it for just one bird, Bubba. SOLD! It is actually only 12" in length bigger than Olivers and maybe 10" taller so now they both have a palace. While he was here we started talking about stands and how we were wanting a double stand for our two greys to share but still have their own space. He got the measurements for our bay window area in the kitchen area and said he would make us one! The bottom will be the entire area so the poop will actually hit it and not the floor, i can not wait to see what he comes up with.



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I have been having internet issues and am gathering speed to fire AT$$T for cell phones, house phone and internet and get a satellite. When I finally got back online today I have been thoroughly enjoying this thread. I liked the video, birds of a feather traveling together sounds like a great theme song. The pictures of Bubba and Oliver are just beautiful and awe inspiring. You are a godsend to all your flock. They seem to put a smile on your face too. The video I imagine of you and Pat and the running of the birds has me laughing and I haven't even seen it yet. Your stories have been the highlight of my week and that is saying something because I have spent four days at a local quilt expo, took lots of classes and had a ball.

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Hopefully the pictures will show what that pile in the back of the car turned into! Took us from 9am to 5pm and only one trip to Home Depot to complete. ( sorry about the one picture, Bubba wanted in it really bad i guess) But we got our stand(s) for the greys! I thought we would have an issue with them getting on it but nope. Bongo got on it and started smacking the bell! Best thing is nothing on the floor to sweep around. Going to try and make a catch all to attach under it, we'll see how that goes, lol.

Harnesses, ha, big ole waste of money and that was one of the main things we went for. After we got home and took them out first thing we noticed was it said it was for a grey but would fit a budgie, the macaw size may fit the greys but i undid it and now we can't figure out how it goes back together!




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Thanks, and yes, you can come play in the window! I worked some last night on a hanging poop catcher. Really want to keep the floor clear and the dogs from getting to it, well see how this turns out since i am having to rig it since my sewing machine took a dive off the shelf. The swing over the sink isn't going to work. The greys are scared of the movement and Oliver doesn't have the balance, Bubba loves it but also loves the wood of my cabinets. I still have 5 large 42" perches to put into the cages of the greys but am taking it slow for them, letting them settle in from the stand change right now. Although Bongo uses the stand, i can see his nerves are showing some. I maybe really wrong but since Bongo has chewed and picked 2 boings down to the wire, i started seeing him chewing his feathers a whole bunch. I thought i would remove the boing for a bit and see if he improves any. Pat keeps telling me the feathers i am finding are in equal numbers so not to panic yet, it may be a molt. I bathe him, but really, he doesn't get wet. I can handle picking but my worry is that he isn't happy and if i can do something to prevent it, thats what i want to do. If its not one bird, its another! Yikes!

Oh yeah, Bubba said "Whoa, wow" yesterday. His vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds since his butt got fixed! I must of heard "Pat, stop it, go" 15 times yesterday while Pat was at work. And "Shut up" to the dogs everytime they barked, which was often.

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When you and Pat stepped in to adopt a whole flock, did you ever imagine the place it was going to bring you? From your aviary to your indoor gym, your lucky lucky parrots have come to a wonderland of extraordinary care and delight. We also have a couple of small dogs and early on, our 6 month old mini dachshund swallowed a wood splinter. It turned out to be a costly nightmare, he survived and thrived, but I had to change things a little to prevent it happening again. First I put my playstand into a narrow sleep playpen. That gave our young, gravely ill African grey a safe place to land when he fell off a perch. The dogs didn't charge him or anything, he was just panicked if he hit the floor. The playpen was great for him because he could climb right back up to the top of his stand without a fuss. When that no longer served our purpose, I made a hanging "atom" and put a shower tension rod in a small hallway and I went to the wild bird store and bought a "seed catcher". It was a large, round lightweight screen with strings and hooks to hang from the bottom of the atom and it would catch small pieces and droppings. http://www.wildbirdstoreonline.com/the-seed-hoop-seed-catcher-and-platform-bird-feeder.aspx It was about half the cost of this one, maybe I hit a sale. If you go to the site and enlarge the photo, it gives you the option of viewing three pictures. It may give you some ideas as you create a safety zone for your companions.

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I think it is official. Bongo is plucking. When the light hit this morning under and around the stand, i actually went looking for a dead bird that maybe the cat brought in. In the last month, i have been keeping an eye on him. Seeing more than i liked in his cage and stand but kept telling (lying) to myself that it was a molt. Going to get a vet check as soon as i can, don't see any bare patches on him but he holds himself so tight i can't see under his wings or on his back. I hope the picture shows the amout of his feathers from last night. They are all the light grey ones, both down and regular feathers, only one large dark grey one.


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Phenix isn't & never has been any kind of plucker. Around his cage looks just like that at different times during the year. At some point during a molt he goes into a kind of preening overdrive. Seems like every time I look he's grooming. He also tends to sneeze semi-often while he's doing it. I'd like to say the feathers tickle his nose. But it's more likely dander. Particularly during the colder months when I'm reluctant to bathe him as often.


My Quaker, Charm isn't far behind. Between them both the cage area really does look like there's been a massacre at times.


None of that used to bother me. I used to know that's just normal for them. Now w/all the reading about other fid's problems, I find I'm telling myself "It's ok. It's O-K!" until it passes. Ignorance really is bliss sometimes. :P


btw your new window seat play gym is the bomb!!

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There wasn't many feathers at all in his cage after work today. He either ran out of feathers in his special hidden plucking area or he was anger plucking because of his new stand. His attitude changed greatly when Gabby moved in so maybe he is just now starting to show us "he ain't happy" about it. Oh who knows! Ignorance really is bliss. We read out parrot behaviour books and i haven't gotten bit by Bubba since then. But trying to apply it to Bongo, i now have watch out for him. He has gotten very testy. He still doesn't bite me but i was starting to think his acting like he is about to is him just trying to play with me. Man, i gotta say that the Bubba bites pain didn't last near as long as the analizing, wondering and self doubt this knowledge has brought to me! Crap, just heard something hit the floor, gotta go see what Gabby is redecorating this time? Do you guys know the movie "Blazing Saddles"? The song "I'm Tired" is now my motto, except my tiredness is the up and down, back and forth,lol!

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This is a touch off the Bubba subject but my Bongo is starting to really play now. I guess watching Gabby and Pat play he is trying to test the waters some. Gabby just loves pushing things off, well, anything they are on. Lost a salt shaker yesterday, and she is now studying my beta bowl. Bongo got on the kitchen counter while i was getting their bowls ready for dinner and one by one tossed them to the floor waiting to hear the bang. And he adores bells, i put in a few new toys for him, small so they wouldn't freak him out and he went right to them sticking his head up in the bell like a hat. He is grabbing things with his foot now that hang and attacks them. This has really been in just the last week, it is so fun to watch him be brave. He even got on the hanging perch in the kitchen over the sink, it moves and i just knew he wouldn't want anything to do with it, i was wrong! Good thing we don't not offer him things we think he will hate, or he would be one bored bird! Lol Haven't had any feathered floors in a few day either!


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If Bongo enjoys the bang he might like having a hanging bell near something solid (a strip of metal on wood) that he can throw it against. Jake has much more fun whipping his skewer so that it bounces off wood or plastic things then he does destroying food or blocks when I fill it so I leave it empty now.

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Good pic! Thanks for sharing. Isn't it funny how much greys like noise? Timber has learned to make this really loud sound (I really can't describe it, it is like a click magnified by 20) which he now uses to scare the cats. He waits until they are all relaxing in the room were he is, then makes it and watches them run in all directions with glee.

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