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Here we again, back from the vet.


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Yup, me too! Boy did Bubba crack us up yesterday. Pat was watching his football while i was in the bedroom, folding laundy with Bongo. Gabby was giving him a hard time because he was trying to keep her off the couch since she put a hole it. She would fly onto it, Pat would put her on her stand, Bubba would give a hearty ha ha ha. This went on for a good 45 minutes before Pat snapped, then i heard wings flapping then a hello from Gabby, Pat picks her up puts her on her stand saying no no. Bubba laughs at him, Pat turns to Bubba telling/ begging him to stop laughing at him, it isn't funny. Then he hears from me, hiding in the entry watching this, oh yes it is funny, keep on laughing Bubba! Gabby won, i covered the arm and back of the couch pretty thick then wrapped a blanket around a pillow that sets angled in the corner and makes her cave and she was happy as could be!

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I am pretty sure they have more than one! Lol The zero for us is accurate though!

Bubba got me again. The thumb this time. Had to take him to the vet this morning and he flipped out. Wouldn't step up for me so i got the stick he always steps up on and he did. He then took off down the stick and got my thumb. Reaction to jerk your hand but i have learned doing that makes it worse so i slowly removed my hand from the stick and he came with it. He wasn't letting go, just hanging from my thumb. Got him off and took him to his carrier, started trying to put him in and then saw all the blood dripping so i set him down and said screw it. Washed my hand, he got me good, fixed myself up and went back to Bubba and asked him why he keeps hurting me? He cocked his head to the side and then walked right into his carrier and said bye. I am not sure why he is turning on me, kinda hurts and i do mean hurts more than feelings! And me with no insurance! Heres a stock tip, invest in the company that sells bandaids, finger splints and vasaline! Oh my

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I am pretty sure he is thinking, " i'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too". Lol

Vet visit went great, nothing hanging from his behind. Got him home and he was as nice as could be too. I didn't get the evil wing spread this morning either but i have not tried to open the door yet either!

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I don't know about Bubba, but if I were watching you closely as you tried to be calm, dress to leave the house, prepare the travel cage etc. I know I would be thinking about that vet and his stretching procedure. I am thinking that "just a bite" might not be enough of a full on assault only to be completed by scratching your eyes out so you couldn't see to drive. LOL. Seriously, I am sorry about the painful bite, you are just doing what you've gotta do. Your description of Gabby, Pat and Bubba was hilarious. They are all quite the characters. There is never a dull moment at your place. Can you remember what you did for fun and laughs before you adopted your flock?

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What Dee said, only I would have just pulled out your hair instead of scratched your eyes out. Thinking it thru like a fid, I would have wanted you to be able to continue to serve me after you learned your lesson. lol


Seriously, I wonder if that might be part of Bubba's biting a great deal of the time, actually. None of your 3 really knows you all that well in bird terms. Such a big part of this initial bonding time has been tied up w/some big scary health things.


I think you're lucky he's not a grey because your relationship would probably be toast by now. But Bubba's such a trooper & seems to handle so much so well. Still doesn't mean he doesn't have fid flashes where he just gets scared or angry for "no reason". And since they don't show it when they're sick, I also wonder if he's really putting on a good show when he's not really feeling that great sometimes.

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I am sure he is putting on a show and he is butt tired of going to the vet! ( pun intended, lol ) We have been respectful of each other and have given distance to each other. Today was like nothing ever happened, just chatting away, taking treats from my hand. Lol, poor guy has to go back to the vet Tuesday, hubby is taking him this time though, I can not always be the bad guy. Of course it will be simple for Pat since him taking Bubba anywhere in his carrier will be new and an adventure. I am sure i will be hearing all about how easy it was and how he doesn't understand how i had issues! Give him just one more trip and he will understand, Bubba will have figured it out. I am worried though about Bubbas eating, started to really monitor it today. I had to ask my hubby if he had been filling his bowls cuz i haven't seen it going down. Its weird though bc i do see him eating some. His weight has be bouncing up and down 30grams or less each week for 3 weeks, weighing is done Sundays at 2 pm, weird i know. He was only 815 last week, thats pretty low when my skinny Oliver with pdd is almost at 980 now! Calgon, take me away!

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I had reality hit me tonight as i was sitting outside with my windows open.

There is nothing more peaceful than hearing all your birds chirping, singing, talking and just being theirselves when no one is watching. Knowing they are really happy. That is the most at peace i have felt in 9 months. Like an assurance that we are doing something right and that we will all be ok!

Lets see where we are at now... Bongo, doing great and still not talking but now i know what he is saying! Oliver, sweet as ever and gaining weight a little at a time and still pretty bald but so much better than when we got him. He has gained almost 100 grams in 7 months! Gabby, oh my Gabbygoo, she played with me for the first time and gave me kisses with all the sound effect. Bubba, he seems to be feeling much better and has started talking, making his chicken noise, his lalala's and outches, even his version of what about Bubba and really trying to learn more words! Stepping up and letting me hold him again. ( okay, he did today anyway and i am being an optimist that it will continue! Thank you Greywings! )

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Well said and well done sister. Now take a little break, listen contently. Do you feel your shoulders start slipping down from that tension that had them up around your ears? All the doctoring and caretaking takes a toll on you. You have been commendable for your fortitude and determination. Now, have a sip of something you enjoy, put your feet up and just bask in the glow of your flock. You deserve it. Everything is going to be okay, Gilbert tells me this almost every day.

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It most likely always will be a roller coaster ride. But there's no doubt that you have accomplished some amazing things! In spite of it all, you're definitely gaining ground! More than earned that happy break w/your favorite beverage. :)


There's one other time that gives me that same warm, fuzzy feeling. Usually late afternoon or early evening, everyone just stops to take a break. They suddenly go still & the only sound is everyone grinding their beaks. I get such a kick out of how they each sound so different & how they make the sweetest music all together. That's another time when it's so obvious that they're just plain happy & I love it!

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I had reality hit me tonight as i was sitting outside with my windows open.

There is nothing more peaceful than hearing all your birds chirping, singing, talking and just being theirselves when no one is watching. Knowing they are really happy. That is the most at peace i have felt in 9 months. Like an assurance that we are doing something right and that we will all be ok!

Lets see where we are at now... Bongo, doing great and still not talking but now i know what he is saying! Oliver, sweet as ever and gaining weight a little at a time and still pretty bald but so much better than when we got him. He has gained almost 100 grams in 7 months! Gabby, oh my Gabbygoo, she played with me for the first time and gave me kisses with all the sound effect. Bubba, he seems to be feeling much better and has started talking, making his chicken noise, his lalala's and outches, even his version of what about Bubba and really trying to learn more words! Stepping up and letting me hold him again. ( okay, he did today anyway and i am being an optimist that it will continue! Thank you Greywings! )


That's such an amazing feeling, isn't it???


I'm not in the most ideal home right now. My yard is tiny and the area of town pretty cruddy. But nobody bothers me about my birds, the neighbors love the pigeons flying around the block, and I have a makeshift aviary attached to the back of he house.


Tonight I was listening to the pigeons coo, the parrots were grinding beaks on the boings...and I thought, I'm pretty lucky. Someday I'll have a house among the trees...but I can deal with this for now.


All is well. :)

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We have lots of rain here today, birds are out bugging the dogs but Bubba is keeping them in line. Gabby starts to get into something, like chewing my furniture or nipping a dog butt and we hear a loud "no" out of Bubba now. Everyone is napping but me and Bongo, my bliss continues.

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Just think after all you have been through and learned how many others you will be able to share that information with in the coming years. Proud of all you are accomplishing and the brilliant new beginnings you have given these guys, good job. Making new friends along the way as well.

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Back to the vet this morning. I hope it is for the last time with this, his bottom is nice and pink again and he is talking and playing! Yesterdays word was "ouch", it would be too funny if he said that today when the dr goes for his bumm! He also started saying "Pat", that was an easy one for him though, real close to his normal macaw sound of "aaccckkkk" lol.

All the kiddos got their bath yesterday, with a few drops of Dawn. After freaking out over the first picture i got of Bubba in a bubble bath, i now have learned that it is great for naked birds, feathered ones too. Keeps their skin moist and the feathers shine. As many times as they have gotten baths, Bongo just doesn't get wet, i don't get it because we soak him even flipping his feathers up and pouring the wather on him but he stays dry as a bone. Gabby looked like a wet noodle, Bubba was wet and Oliver looked like a frozen chicken thawing out (okay, that was mean of me but an accuract description, lol ) We have sprayed him, put him under running water, put him in the tub and even a garden hose over the outside aviary, nutten, dry dry dry... He will take baths in his water bowl and although everything around him is soaked, he is not.

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I've never used anything but water &/or aloe. I don't know much about semi naked Macaw bathing & was wondering about the Dawn, too? Since I'm guessing you guys did some homework somewhere maybe you can save me the research.


They aren't obliged to list all ingredients & since Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo got outed last year, I'd be even more cautious. I know Dawn has been used to clean wildlife after oil spills & it's got some powerful chemistry going on. So even though I'm sure it's very very diluted, I was wondering what the benefits are vs some fully organic baby wash or shampoo? Or why the need for any kind of soap?


Also I bumped into this link. I keep meaning to ask if you've added a dust bath to that parrot paradise you've got going in the backyard? I think Oliver never gets wet because of his natural oils. Dust baths work & harmlessly because they only absorb some of it. So they get clean vs squeaky clean. So I thought it might be worth mentioning, if they don't already have one.



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