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Here we again, back from the vet.


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Lump is back out and hard again. Dang it!

We had them outside in the aviary yesterday, macaws out first then i go get the greys. I have to bring them out in their carriers as they are a flight risk! I had the carrier out and Bubba saw it, started with the "byes". Hubby was mowing the yard and i brought out Bongo, Bubba watched me take him out and as soon as i started out of the aviary, i heard "bye" about 6 times and all the way to the door, Pat even heard him over the lawn mower. Exact same thing when i brought Gabby out. It was like he couldn't wait for me to go away and leave them to play! Lol, of course i know better cuz i get the same thing from him when i take the trash out!

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I learned that when working with Bubba on new words, turn on the steam mop. You can try getting out new words until your blue in the face but if you are steaming the floors, he gets talkative. We let the boys play on the floor yesterday, that was fun for them, not so much for me! I was chasing them away from my tables, Oliver was chasing me! Then out of no where Bongo flew from his stand to the floor and ran as fast as he could to me, he did this on his own. I guess he has had enough of just watching and wants to join in now, yeah. He even sat on the faucet like Gabby does when i am starting dinner!

Welp, Bubba goes back to Dr in the morning, yuckie.

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Yeah! It is shrinking! Now we just have to deal with scar tissue forming. For lack of a medical term, he has to give him butt stretching massages. He explained that i would need to bring him back in often for a while to do this, Monday would be the first appointment. I asked if it was something me and my hubby could do at home as it took me 45 minutes to get there today. He said yes and proceeded to tell me to put the ointment on my finger and stick it up his bumm and move it around to stretch it out. To which i quickly replied, " What time did you want me here on Monday?"

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You are amazing Parronts. I just marvel at the flock you've taken on and how well you manage their various "issues". Your house is one I'd love to visit one day, if only to learn how to appreciate my relatively quiet one. Also sounds like you're lucky to have an amazing vet. Bubba and the rest of your flock truly won the birdy lottery. Who needs retirement savings anyway? Lol

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Ha, retirement? Savings? Such a thing of the past. I had to go back to work for real after Bubbas first vet visit, we thought we were just getting a well check and toe nail trim! I got lucky and my new job, part time, is two minutes from my house, i can run home anytime for a check in. It is a zoo here and your welcome to visit, just know all who enter the addmission is chopping, feeding or cage cleaning! Lol just kidding, we have a system that works well but it does take two people if we hope to have our quiet time in the evening. We found a great channel on uverse cable that plays toddler tunes we put on during their dinner and it changes to lullabyes for their wind down. They love it and after a few beers, we are singing along! Haha Nothing like seeing two grown adults singing "this is the happiests song i know" and "eight steps"( by grover ) while sweeping floors, cleaning cages and yard work!

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I know it is hard with all the vet visits and procedures, but it is great that you can hang on to your sense of humor. I am with you on the preference to drive to the vet instead of the rubber gloves and ointment. I am thinking Bubba may as well be mad at them instead of you. I still sing the little ditties from when our kids were small, good idea to use the bird's as a cover.

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That was my thought exactly. I want to progress in my relationship with Timber, and I don't see that happening if he sees me coming at him with vaseline and a glove! Much better to let those who don't have to live with him handle that kind of detail...


Of all the stuff I've tried to get Timber to listen to, his favorite thing is for me to whistle the song that goes something like "there was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name." When I get to the spelling B-I-N-G-O I spell Timber and say his name instead. He makes a little chirp/click sound when I'm spelling. If he is excited or nervous, he'll usually calm right down when I whistle that song. Weird, but true ;) Another nail in my "crazy bird woman" coffin...

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Ha, retirement? Savings? Such a thing of the past. I had to go back to work for real after Bubbas first vet visit, we thought we were just getting a well check and toe nail trim! I got lucky and my new job, part time, is two minutes from my house, i can run home anytime for a check in. QUOTE]


I soooo get it. I'm looking for a job closer to home.....so the birds can have more time out of the cage. They are in WAY too much. Plus, I want to spend more time working with them since I see a big increase in positive behavior when I spend more time with them. When I have to rush in the morning to get to work...bite time!


And, I spend a small fortune on feeding and vet bills. Non-animal friends thinks I'm nuts...oh well!

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I am semi glad and semi sorry my husband couldn't work the video on my phone. Me and the fids were having a dance party and he thought he was recording the silly lady getting all of them to dance, even Bongo was dancing! It was a funny site to see and he said it was about 6 minutes long and he couldn't wait for me to see it. The next day he showed it to his mom and it ended up being 3 seconds long and that was just the top of my table! Oh well. Bubba loves to dance so he'll get it next time!

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Oh, Bubba and Gabby win that, hands down! Gabby gets her whole body into it bouncing up and down, her beak hitting the counter. Bubba sways back and forth lifting his foot each time. I try to copy both but for some odd reason it just isn't as cute when i attempt it! Lol

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There are many things I would do for my flock. If I knew I really HAD to, I would learn the procedure. But in this day of youtube, there is no way anyone in my house will catch me dancing and get that on video. I do my best dancing when we are home alone. Hope the birds never learn to use the camera.

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LOL The bird and a camera would be a horrible thing here! I'd be singing "they're coming to take me away" if he recorded some of my antics, usually trying to get him to do things. I swear he's looking at me thinking, "what are you nuts, only an idiot would eat/do that?" I think he sees me as his "special" human ;)

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