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Here we again, back from the vet.


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Bubba had to go to the vet yesterday morning as a drop off. His butt was pretty bad and he started grunting again but this time nothing was coming out. He had to cut off the remainder of the cyst and then push the rest back in. As soon as he did that Bubba pooped a big un. Vet said that there was so much old stuff in him that it all came out and stunk to high heaven. Glad it happened with the vet! He will be very sore and the thing may pop out again but if it does we are to push it back in. He is on an antibiotic cream three times a day. Recheck in three weeks, he seems to think he got the bulk of it and that the rest will go away on its own in a week or two. He said he wouldn't freeze again but if he has to remove the rest he will have to knock him out this time as it is on the inside but doesn't want to do that unless it becomes a must because he doesn't like to knock out birds. They said also they were going to call the lab and get his results for us today. Fingers crossed it is good news!

While out killing time before picking up Bubba my husband found a childs kitchen set that wanted to get for Gabby, our terror in the kitchen CAG. He wanted to convert it into a stand for her in our kitchen area where she always flys to. Welp that didn't work the way he planned at all.


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Ah, that is so nice of them! Who ever made that set, made it with parrots in mind. Try as they may, hardly a chip in it from those macaw beaks! They loved it so much, Pat went ahead and put it their room. He is going to keep looking for another for Gabby, maybe a little smaller. We stuffed the fridge full of toys, balls and and learning musical toys.

Okay, Bubbas butt... First cleaning this morning the cyst was out and we had to get it back in. We had to wrap him up and the vet told us to use a thermomitor to push it back in. I used the antibiotic to lube, closed my eyes and hoped Pat didn't let go of him! Went okay. Second time, out again, this time i held Bubba up and Pat put the ointment on his finger and it popped back in. Third time, same thing. I am so glad Pat is on vacation this week, i couldn't do this myself.

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I can not believe i forgot to tell ya'll this... Yesterday evening Bubba, out of the blue after a full day of butt probing, did a very high pitched opera "ahhhhhhhhh". ( it's hard to explain but you know joke when men go to the dr and do the bend over and cough, the sing song "ahhhhhh" they make ) I think someone at the vets office has a funny sense of humor! Both Pat and i just looked at each other then busted out laughing. I am going to have to remember to ask about that!

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Still nothing back on the test. Gesh! Did talk to the vet about this thing coming out all the time, he said he expected it and to keep an eye out to make sure he keeps pooping and eating. Still wants to wait three weeks to see if it dissolves on its own.

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NO HERPES! We finally have some good news! Bad thing, today we saw Bubba at the bottom of his cage, he was shredding his paper so we really didn't think much of it. Later while i tried to get him out he stepped up for me as normal, then bam, outta no where clamped down on the back of my hand. Hubby said i groaned but did great getting him back to his cage while he had ahold of me, lol. Tonight when we put him to bed he went to the bottom again, walked across, stopped, then went back up to his swing. We are not liking that, so calling the vet again tomorrow.

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Ahhhh, Oliver was with me yesterday and he squatted, dropped his wings and started quivering. I told my husband that he must be in season. Duh, never put it together that Bubba could be too. Lol Does explain the new bruises and bites i have gotten in the last few days! The one yesterday left a huge bruise on the back of my hand. Perfect cuts of his bottom beak in two places making a v, but only one hole from his top beak. Bad part is that the vein, from the index finger to the wrist, is what he was digging for. I guess he just didn't think it needed to be there. Lol I still have my fingers!

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After a little scolding from the vet we finally got a battery for the bird scale. How sad it that to be sooo forgetful i couldn't remember to get one. He asked about Olivers weight and i had to say i dunno....duh. Okay, drumroll please, last weigh in at vet, 830g. Yesterday, 960g!! PPD diagnosis not slowing this boy down!! Bubba only weighed 803 on Monday, vet said he had dropped 30g since last visit 1 week earlier. I panicked but he told me to buck up, the guy had his butt frozen and it was okay he had lost some, excpected he would. He is back to 833g as of yesterday. Bongo weighing in at 453g. Gabby at 494g. They are all within range! Great another thing for me to worry over, weight. Just what i needed.

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Bubba goes back to Dr tomorrow. His bumm lump hardened over night and we can not get it back in. I called the vet and he said basically that he didn't care if we didn't like dropping him off, we are to bring him in the morning and he will take care of him and have him back by night fall ( unless he does the surgery ). I am a nervous nelly right now! My vet normally doesn't demand, he always has given me options.

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He is at the vets now. I almost started crying, he kept saying bye to me as i was driving him there. I know its just his butt and i shouldn't be as freaked out as i am but he is my boy! :'( I hate seeing him distressed. They said i should be able to pick him up after 3, they are closing the office from noon to three for a staff meeting and he will be checked out by the dr before hand and if he misses the meeting, oh well. Lol man i love this guy!

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Worse was coming home and hearing Oliver saying hello over and over again to be picked up so he could find Bubba. Okay, Bubba had surgery, minor, and they removed 20% of the papaloma (ms). Said it would be a risk to him to remove more right now. He will go back next Wednesday to see if they need to remove more. He did great and no adverse reaction. They told me when they brought him out that he is bleeding and i shouldn't panic when i see blood. She walked away and he pooped solid bloody stool, i paniced a wee bit but then asked them if thats what they meant i shouldn't panic over, they said yes. It was all over my shoes the floor and the wall, all i could do was look around and say "okay". Got him home, left him hubby and ran to the store. When i got home again Pat was sitting outside so i joined him, when we went back in we walked to the kitchen before i even noticed Bubba wasn't on his stand. Pat had walked right by it and never even noticed. After a quick look around i finally saw him on Bongo's stand and Bongo was scared to death. Moved Bubba back and Bongo flew off his stand, while going to get him Gabby flew over to see what was going on. Oliver is screaming because he couldn't get off his stand to join in! Dogs running in fear while Pat is saying that Bubba was on his stand when he went outside! Pat and i got the birds back to their places and ran outside laughing at them taking over! Moral to all of this is Bubba seems to be feeling just fine, the little trouble maker!

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Woo hoo! Tonights bath showed no sign of anything coming from his bumm but whats supposed to! Meds on too without issue! For those who follow Oliver let me say that he almost said "love you" tonight at bedtime! Every day it gets a little clearer, tonights though brought my hubby in closer asking "what did he say?" I am such a proud mama today! Lol

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Haven't been able to check him this morning, he is on the bottom of the cage shreeding paper and making a nest. Very aggressive when he is busy with that! Oliver is in his cage turning everything upside down frustrated he isn't in Bubbas cage helping! My sweet greys are in their cage whistling and chatting away, even let me clean their cage before the garbage men came. Ahhh, mom gets to shower now!

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Had to move furniture around yesterday to get Bubba and Oliver closer together. One or the other would fall off their stand trying to get to the other. I do wish they could be on the same one but alas, they get too mean. Pat isn't thrilled with the location of Gabbys stand now as it is by the door and she flies but, i explained to him that she is NEVER on her stand so why worry! Her stand is everything but her stand so logic states to put it where you don't want her going!

I had a shock yesterday while steaming the floor. Bubba was saying his normal hellos then they started changing pitch. It went from a mans voice to a womans voice. Then out of no where i heard, "pretty bird". I was so excited to hear something new, i told him "i love you"! And whadda ya know the stinker said "i love" back to me, we will have to work on the "you" part! We are also working on the word Pat and he about has that, it is more "at" sounding right now but he will master it! Lol Oliver is paying such close attention to Bubba that i feel sure he will be talking soon himself. He already says hello and can darn near say i love you! We also are working on the name Howard, that is what Gabby calls Pat so out of just pure meanness, i would love the other birds to atleast know that word! All of Pats family are calling him Howard now too! Do you think a 20 yr old grey can still learn new words?

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