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Here we again, back from the vet.


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Took Bubba in today for his first vet check since he came to live with us. I really figured, ok he lived with Oliver so what ever happens, it couldn't be any worse than a positive pdd. WRONG! Herpies? Really? Okay, now we wait for those tests to come back. What the heck have these birds been through, i am afraid to think? I spoke to him about the weird crop and his noises he makes when he poops. Who would have thought to look at his bumm? He had a huge, for lack of a better description, hemmroid hanging out almost closing his butt completely. We opted to start the " freezing " to remove what we can. He said could take up to 6 treatments. Poor fella. The crop may be engulfed due to the food not being able to flow at a normal pace outta his body. Gesh, and it can be passed to other birds, not air born but thru fluids.

So here it is....

I got one b&g macaw who tested positive for PDD

One b&g macaw who either has "hemmroids" or herpies

One CAG with a deformed foot

One dog with diabetes, 2 shots a day

One dog deathly afraid of the birds and won't come inside unless we go out and pick her up

Two other dogs who are just spoiled and needy

A sick husband

And CAG Bongo!

Calgon, take me away, please, and hurry! LOL

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Well, in the words of Mother Theresa, "God does not give us more than we can handle...I just wish He didn't trust me so much!"


Obviously, you have been trusted with some special babies. Bless you for giving them a home. I thought my 5 dogs, 3 cats, 1 Green Cheek, 1 CAG, 1 Amazon, a koi pond, 2 teenagers, a husband and too many chickens was a lot. At least I only have to deal with one of them in a less than ideal health situation. :)

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Thank you all for your support. Poor Bubba stopped pooping this afternoon. I put him to bed and made sure he had clean papers in there so i will know for sure in the morning. Dr. Moore said to call him either way so he will know.

Lol, hubby felt good for most of the day then when he got home i was giving the birds some bannanas and he opted to take a bite himself. Because they make him ill for hours, i was shocked but he thought just a bite wouldn't hurt. Within 30 minures he was doubled over, even went to bed without dinner.

Gabby did great today, only one time out! I had to seperate Oliver and Bubba from each other on the stand so the second Java tree is now Bubbas and Bongo got his old one back. He is happy as a clam about it too. Gabby loves it too and instead of flying everywhere today and getting into trouble, she would fly to the stand and play. Soooo, we are bringing back out the very first stand we got and doing some altering to it for her so she has a place of her own.

Bubbas test should be back Monday at the latest. They said 5 days so. I am not as freaked out this go around. Either i have learned from Oliver or don't have enough time to get in a panic. Right now his poor red butt is my focus!

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Waiting on the vet to call back. No poo. He tried but it was a struggle and it was eeking out. Nothing like a morning of poo watching. Its the one time i wished he had more watery poop, for his sake. He did eat some cantalope, just a few squares. Steaming up some butternut squash for him.

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He ate almost a half a cup of the squash yesterday. Finally spoke with vets office late yesterday afternoon, they wanted me to bring him in and let the dr look at him after hours and then he would stay overnight. Yeah, no. He was already stressed out, we were not about to leave him. I asked if i could clean his bumm up, maybe it was just dried blood or even dried poo. He said of course i could, well i didn't know, i have never had anything frozen off before. Then i was told the swelling is normal, it will turn black and fall off. Hmmm, ok. I sprayed his bumm with cool water and within the hour he took a big poo and actually aimed it at my hubby! He ate some pasta for dinner and played with us on the kitchen table. I hope today he is even better, its like he knows we are trying to help him and he is being a sweet heart in return!

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I bet you never knew how happy it would make you to see a good poo after being on watch for so long. We had one of those moments yesterday with our resident patient, Mick, with a herniated disk. I was doing the happy dance to see he finally made it over by the door to potty on the pad. Gilbert however was not impressed and was moved to cuss about it. That is his only swear word, but spot on. I may have to move his cage so he can't see the puppy pad until we get the little dog back on his feet. Just like Judy says though, when we think we are being snowed under, we look at the burden our friends are carrying and cheer them on as we relax our shoulders just a little and say "this too shall pass". In Oliver's case and Mick's that happens to be literal.

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I sprayed his bumm with cool water and within the hour he took a big poo and actually aimed it at my hubby!


LOL! Here's a little trick we use in avian rehab when birds won't poop. Take a Q-tip or cotton ball (sometimes it's easier to direct with a Q-Tip), soak it in mineral oil and gently move it around the cloaca in a circular motion. When it touches the skin, the mineral oil warms and (for whatever reason) it stimulates the bird to poop.


Granted, I've never used the trick on a hookbill, but if the bird will allow it - it can't hurt to try!

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The dangle came off tonight, EWWW! lol I was cleaning him up and it came off in the wipe. He still has a way to go but sooo much better. Sad part is 6 more days and he goes back for another treatment. He is still grunting when pooping. Funny thing, i have kept Oliver away from Bubba while Bubba heals and tonight we took them both outside and they wanted nothing to do with each other. My sweet Oliver is back. No longer are these two being possive with each other. Bubba is easier to handle too. I mean really, i am having to wipe his butt and i am actually able too! Lol

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LOL! Here's a little trick we use in avian rehab when birds won't poop. Take a Q-tip or cotton ball (sometimes it's easier to direct with a Q-Tip), soak it in mineral oil and gently move it around the cloaca in a circular motion. When it touches the skin, the mineral oil warms and (for whatever reason) it stimulates the bird to poop.


Granted, I've never used the trick on a hookbill, but if the bird will allow it - it can't hurt to try!


It isn't that he won't poop, he can't because the cyst is blocking him up. There was a narrow slit from the cyst and after the freeze his bottom swelled up even more. Then the blood and poop that was trying to come out dried up closing him up. That why the water spray worked for him. Now i just wipe him after his poops. Lol

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Here are the guys yesterday. Bubba looks happy! But look at Oliver, been a while posting a photo of him! Look at all his little bumps on his body! He has some pins on his back right at his neck and also some coming in on his back right above his tail! One day they may meet in the middle!





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Okay, the spraying of the butt stopped working. Good thing he likes baths, we filled the tub and put him in and he let Pat wipe his bum clean! Then he pooped in the tub, lol. Got him out and i kid you not, he pooped on and off for a good 15 minutes. Will do the bath again in the morning. He is getting his first visit from his previous owners tomorrow. I suggested they wait till his treatments were over so he wouldn't be over stressed but they didn't want to wait as his chemo starts again on Monday. I did let them know it couldn't be an all day thing. They can't get here till 1 or 2 and hubby is taking me out for a movie and dinner for my birthday! Pat got me that huge stand for the boys as my present, then he had to get me another one when Oliver started plucking Bubba lol. And today he finished the second aviary for me, okay its really for the fids but its what i asked for. Lol So Bongo and Gabby have their own and Bubba and Oliver have theirs! Too bad it started raining before we could get them out there.

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