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Tojans - Beware ZeroAcces is stealthy!!


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Been offline for 3 days due to a Trojan called "ZeroAccess". It was introduced to my PC through a trusted friend that sent a word document attached that they had created themselves. However, the were unaware that they were infect with this Trojan when they created and sent the email. The affects did not show up immediately until I started noticing after 2 days that doing anything came to a slow crawl and I noticed my router was busy sending and receiving even with no applications open. McAfee and PCtools did not pick it up until it was too late and it is a very power trojan that actually shuts them down and disables your firewall.


It took three days of windows registry editing, launching a linux boot disk and manually deleting files it had created, then doing a manual repair install of windows system files that were changed by this monster.


Anyway, it's getting to where you cannot trust anything anybody body sends you, even friends that honestly have no indication they have an infection....


Glad to be back online..... :)

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