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WHat am I missing??


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It's t-5 days till Neytiri comes home... I'm trying to get everything ready at home...


Cage: set up and redy to go including extra toys

Playtop: need perch yet

Food: Get that Sat but always have fresh veggies around

Vet apt scheduled

House: throughly cleaned (all little stuff put away)

Newspapers: getting from my parents house

table top tree stand purchased


I feel like I'm missing something... ugh.. I hate that feeling.


any other suggestions or things I need to think about??




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A glass of wine! Lol relax and breathe ur doing great.. how bout lighting? Full spectrum at least 2 hours a day especially now and winter ... now its too hot stormy is spoiled by AC.. and winter although we live in florida still gets too cold to sit outside some times.. kings cages has a nice set up... u may want to check that out..

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I don't know how old your new bird is...baby or adult? LOTS of things to chew. Boings are a favorite in my house. A good cage cleaner and disinfectant like AviClean. Extra bowls (you will need them, trust me!). Tons of paper towels and a good broom. :)

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SHe is almost 18 weeks old. I have lots of toys and gathing shredables for her. I have lots of cleaner and disinfectant. I have 4 ceramic bowls that came with her cage. A hard chair mat under the cage to improve cleanup.

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Carrier is a big one. Another thing you can do is go through your house looking for sources of PTFE. Go through all your cookware and see what's non stick. We've replaced all our cookware with cast iron or ceramic coated dishes. Any kitchen gadgets that plug in often have it. Toasters, hot plates, etc. If you have big windows it might be good to put up decals or something to make them more visible especially if your bird is flighted. You ever hear of puppy proofing, bird proofing is a whole new level.

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