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Music bad for her??


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Last week I bought a CD for birds. It's basically a CD of classical music with different bird sounds in the back ground. When ever I play the CD for my CAG, she shakes her her repeatedly, kind of like if a dog has an itch in it's ear. Is it ok to play this CD all day while I'm at work?? I would hate to annoy her ALL day long...

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Some birds react to music different from others, some might have more sensitive hearing but try changing the type of music to see if you get the same results, maybe she might like country or rock better. On that same note my tiel shakes her head when I speak to her if I have her close to my face, farther away and it doesn't bother her.

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My guys like music very much. Just at their version of a reasonable decibel level & easy on the bass. They don't care for surround sound so much, though. Which is how I eventually connected the dots.


I'm fairly certain my guys aren't very fond of my sub woofer "thumping". It seems to make sense because all sound is vibration. But even humans can feel the vibration from a decent sub woofer. And of course, the louder the volume, the more vibration it makes.


For many of us a-hem, older people, it's a kind of torture to be stuck at a light w/a car that has skull rattling bass blasting at full volume, No matter how many Rock concerts we've been to. lol


Birds process about 10 times more sound bytes/sec than us. I think they may get that same feeling from much less volume & bass.

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My guys like music very much.


My TAG is indifferent. My CAG will dance and "Whooo! Wow!!!" over certain songs. He loves opera (can sing Queen of the Night from the Magic Flute as well as any Zon), musicals (well, he IS named Sondheim), and a bunch of other odd songs. On my Time Warner Cable I have several music channels. I alternate between different types of music to see what they like best.


If you leave it on during the day, keep it low. They can still enjoy it, but not so loud they don't get any rest.

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When certain rock songs play (like on utube videos I am watching on my laptop) Timber seems to get excited and dances around. Saturday my son was playing drums in the other room (still really, really loud where Timber and I were) and Timber was whistling and bopping around like he enjoyed it. I think, like people, they are quite individual in their tastes!

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^^^ For sure. Kura's always "singing" with the vocalists. Loves Josh Groban. Phenix is into Country. He came that way. Very fond of Xmas carols, too. If it's rocking, Charm's all over it.


They all bliss out on Native American Flute Music, though. I play it whenever Charm's a little over the top, non-stop during 4th of July & anytime I've got a new rehab. Everyone stops & listens & it just has a wonderful calming affect on them.

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We are a very musical family! All our birds favor different instruments. Kiki our Amazon is a serious " opera, classical, instrumental" lover of music. When she shakes her head... for her, that means she's getting ready to add her own notes. She has perfect pitch! Proud of my girl! I agree, it doesn't need to be loud. I think exposure to all kinds of music, is a good thing. ( sorry.... NO COUNTRY here!) LOL Ok... some country. Nancy

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^^^ Like I said Nancy, Phenix came that way. I was more than willing to play any genre he could relate to at that point.


Interesting! I'll have to download some flute music and give it a shot with Timber.


Seems like Amazon has free, legal downloads a lot. Which is nice. I like it. But after a while, the problem is finding something that doesn't make me zone out right along w/them. lol

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