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Maverick has been doing this weird thing today that looks like he is gagging. He opens his mouth and looks like he going to yawn and then sticks his head out, almost like he is gagging in slow motion. I have a video if nobody knows what I am talking about. He's been playing on his basket and just did it a few times, stopped, and then did it again.

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Is it like an up and down head bob?? If that's what it is, Chickie still does that and from what I've learned it's a baby behavior. It's kinda like the way she bobbed her head when she was being hand fed. She still does it when she hasn't seen me all day and I come home. Hopefully others will know more :)

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Is it like he is starting to yawn then like he is trying to swallow something big by stretching our his neck to get it to slide down? I use to think that mine were gasping to get air. I do know what you are talking about, all of mine do this. I don't really know what it is or why but i have been told it is normal.

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Marco totally does that as well. At first I too thought it was a yawn, then I thought omg shes choking but when I knew she wasnt eating I just watched her and came to the conclusion perhaps shes stretching her "vocal" muscles n stuff. I didnt take her to the vet for it. She still does it but not nearly as much.

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Sounds like " regurgitation", to me. VERY normal! We all have different beliefs about regurg.( we are NOT going to fight about it either!) LOL This is my opinion, and just my opionion. When a bird regurgs, they are offering you some food. Eventually, they will be able to actually bring up the food, and offer it to you. A sign of love. I have always accepted my birds regurg, but in my hand, and Sophie especially, thinks I eat it.She has always watched to make sure I got it and then is pleased with herself. As they get older, the regurg gets less and less. Right now, Sophie does it around once a month.

This is NOT recommended by Avian experts to accept the behavior. Nancy

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Is it like he is starting to yawn then like he is trying to swallow something big by stretching our his neck to get it to slide down? I use to think that mine were gasping to get air. I do know what you are talking about, all of mine do this. I don't really know what it is or why but i have been told it is normal.


Yep!! That's it! I has never seen him do it multiple times in a row. It looked like he was choking but I knew he couldn't be..

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Its important for all you new birds, to decide what to do about the regurg thing. I think " they are loving you back", and have treated my three different birds with that belief past decade. I encourage you all to do some research, and decide how you want to treat the regurg issue. It is important to birds in my opinion, so don't ignore the behavior. Do some research, and decide how you are going to handle it. Nancy

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I am gonna talk to the vet tomorrow about how to handle the regurg. I have always thought it was not supposed to be encouraged but I've not done any proper research on the subject yet. I know everyone has different opinions so I want to really research before choosing how to handle it. I see both sides of the argument have valid points. And I'm going to work on the photobucket in a few min! Stay tuned!

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If nothing came out, it is not regurgitation. Dayo does that as well at times. That peculiar action moves contents round inside the crop that may be uncomfortable for example. A regurgitation is a little different and more head pumping action, then some contents come out for you as a love sign. Watching the video, he is definitely moving content inside the crop. Sometimes the contents gets lodged a little and this action releases them. If you ever see your bird constantly doing this for hours and not stopping after just a little bit, they may have a impacted crop.

Edited by danmcq
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