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Dog days


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Here we are in the dog days of summer in the southern US. Apparently we have been paying way too much attention to parrots and vet visits. Our little black and tan mini dachshund Mick was crying for attention at five am and he is a playful stoic little guy. After I took him outside and put him back to bed, he was crying again and it is just not his character. A couple of hours later he was favoring one leg and crying out. We made an emergency visit to the vet and they are treating him for a herniated disk. He is on complete bed rest and meds for a week. After all the horror stories and paperwork and prep for what to watch for to take him in for emergency surgery if he gets any worse and how this is common for his breed in middle age, the good news is that 95% of the time this should get better on its own. He is only three years old, but yep, that is middle aged for his breed. I let my husband go to the counter to pay, I have had so many surprises in the past couple of weeks, I took the easy way out. As we got in the car, I didn't ask how much. But, he took the initiative and let out a long breath and sat still for a second and said, these vet bills in the past three weeks are hitting hard. Without skipping a beat, I said, "Yep. They have, but it is cheaper than therapy and the vet doesn't make you talk about your feelings." He laughed right out loud and agreed that except for worrying about our babies and having real serious stuff to keep our stomach in a knot, it could be a lot worse for him if I get that marriage counselling "bug" again.

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I sure feel for you on those vet bills! So glad you and your husband are in agreement on the issue though. Funny what you said about marriage counseling. I remember a long time ago my mom (now 88) said, "back when people had less time and extra income on their hands, they seemed to get along better." I've found out that is true for me. When you have real stuff to worry about like health issues or bills (yours or the "kids") you don't have the time and energy to pick at all the little stuff!

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My wife and I were foster parents for many years and over those years we had 13 foster kids. We were long term care and had each child for 2 to 3 years because they were up fpr adoption.

We can tell you all about counselling as most of them needed it before they could be placed.

We have 2 dachshonds, Bacon a 7 year old male black and tan and Cocoa a long hair 3 year old brindle female that we just rehomed. Along with the birds, the cats and goats and others I think we paid for a number of new cars for the vet.

The wife has been in the hospital twice this year and with all her other medical issue I think we paid for a wing at the hospital.

I know where you are comming from.

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Mick is doing a little better today and can walk on his own. For me, the emotional toll of the trials and illness of our companions and family are much greater than the financial ones, but I am not the one with the high pressure job and doing all the travel. When we were young, it sounded so fun and exotic. Now after more than a million flight miles and back-to-back east and west coast travels, even the nicest hotel seems like a chore to him. I am big on having an unbiased professional give us a little insight every now and again just to help keep me honest. It is a lot easier grumbling at him than to consider my contribution. LOL. Funny thing Ray, we have moved a lot during the past twenty years and it seems every time we get a new vet, they see us coming and start a major building project. On the subject of dogs, cats and other critters, Bella and Pumpkin are moving out with our girls at the end of the month. Bella has been with us for eight years and she comes and goes through college and new jobs. My girls promise they will remember our open door policy when they choose our nursing home.

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