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My daughter wants to know..............


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As I was eating breakfast with the birds this morning, Nilah want the least bit interested as usual. She was off playing or should I say getting into her usual trouble, chewing up ALL the bananas and pears I bought at the store yesterday, running around on the floor...she was playing in the cat door to the basement, she crawls thru it and wanders around there. My daughter asked, " does anyone's else's amazon go thru cat doors like Nilah, or is she just weird?"


Okay, answers please, do they????

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I don't have a cat door but my Louie and the rest of the gang are not floor walkers. Very seldom do they go to the floor and if they do end up there they are back up in a flash. They do fly all over the house and walk on couches, my bed, etc. Sorry, I can't help you Talon.

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A number of our Zons are very good at ground foraging, sometimes you'll see a zon playing in a box or waddle into a paper bag.lol Zons are also very adept and curious, monkey see monkey do, so to explore the other side of a dog door is there built in ability to look for trouble. In a home tormentor, this is just one more toy...Of course, this isn't true in all cases. A zon toy: 1large box, cut a big door and let it flap and see if you Zon likes it, then sweep up the mess.....

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Yes, a home tormentor is exactly what Nilah is...but we love her just the same. She loves to fly, but just as much, she loves to walk around on the floors to see what trouble she can get into. She also loves to run after the dog and chase him off.....I hate that, have to stop that instantly.

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Both of ours will get on and in the dog's crate every chance they have. For Gilbert being so attached to his own cage, I just had to chase him out of the dog's crate. We seldom have the dogs in there but they are not allowed to get in his house so it is only fair to keep him out of theirs. Nilah is such a hoot and all of your parrots are at ease on the floor which ours are mixed about that. When Java goes to the floor she is dang well up to no good and it usually involves terrorizing one of the four legged critters.

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Kiki, LOVES our dogs. Lately though, she is getting braver, to do, what she wants to do! I heard her in a distance. Asked kids... Where is Kiki? Found her in my bed, on my pillow! Looking out the window!I LOVE that she is becomming independent, but when I have to work, birdroom door, will be closed.I have had too much time off! Nancy

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