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african grey


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just bought 4 year old african grey parrot from a private advert great looking bird good nature but

wont stop biting me when i put my finger near it

only got the bird 3days ago just wondering if this

normal for new bird also how long for jura to settle


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Welcome vcddvdjohn !!!


It will take time and patience for Jura to become accustom to you and your home.


Biting is a normal protective reaction or if just a little warning nip, letting you know he's not ready for intimate contact yet or that he does not know or trust you.


You must earn his trust and respect. Give him some space to become familiar with his new surroundings. If you persist in forcing yourself on him, you could make an untrusting enemy, rather than a new life-long companion that you will receive immense enjoyment from. :-)

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Well think about it, if you were taken out of your home, moved somewhere that you had no idea existed, with new lights, sounds, sights, smells, people, etc and then poked at you'd be pretty pissed too.


Both my Greys have been rehomes and there's a HUGE difference between bringing home baby, and bringing home an adult. They're slightly less adaptable, not by much, but they're not going to be as excited about change as a baby. I would suggest a hands off approach started immediately. Some people say leave the cage door open and let it explore, I'm sorry but if the bird is scared of you and biting, when it comes to put he/she away, you don't want to run the risk of them diving off their cage to get away from you and hurting themselves.


I would suggest leaving him in the cage door shut for a couple days, without trying to go in there and pet him, hold him, or anything like that. Just go about your business as you usually would. The best thing to start with is to talk to him. Sit next to your bird's cage and read the newspaper, read a book outloud. Anytime the bird comes near you REWARD it. Positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to get these birds to trust you. Praise and reward the Grey everytime it does something you want. I'd say after about a week or so of reading to it, try opening the cage and letting the grey come out on its own. Praise it with a treat for coming out on it's own, then leave it be, let him explore the outside of his cage.


Greys are really into protection and their homes, they feel very safe near their cages, specifically in high places, hense the top of the cage. Let him do his own thing and reward and praise as often as you can. Both of my Greys let me pick them up within a week with the reward and praise system. Now they both love to come hang out on my shoulder while I'm on the computer, watching a movie, etc. It's just about patience, the thing about Greys is it has to be on THEIR rules, not yours. And if you don't let them play by their rules, I assure you, they will never let you forget it.

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I had a quaker parrot who wasn't very tame. I left him in his cage and sat next to it and read to him . I actually read him one of my books that I was reading at the time. This way, I didn't get bored and he got nonthreatening exposure to me. He eventually came over and sat next to me. It was a great beginning to a great relationship. and I enjoyed my book.

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One of the things I NEVER do with Klaus is move my hand toward him from the front. Always from the side and/or the back, lower than head-level. My husband and son get bit constantly but they cannot get it through their heads that the bird will intinctively go into "defend" mode if something's coming straight at them (or at them from above). I read this in my Grey book when we first got the bird and followed the advice. I do get bit from time to time, but not because I moved my hand toward him from the top/front of his head.

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My Granite was a second hand bird, she came to me when she was three. It just takes a bit of time for them to warm up. Grey's I think are in general just a bit more shy/nervous. Be patient, and just observe and build trust slowly, on the birds terms.


Tina in OR.

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3 days is nothing.. it takes months or years..

patience is the only solution...

and biting for a new bird is absolutely normal.. :)

so have patience.. and go slow..

u trust your grey.. but the grey doesnt trust you...

u got to win her trust and you cant force it..

so it happens when it gotta happen.. give it lots of time :)

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