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shades of grey


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No, not that book that seems to be on every media news feed, I haven't read it even. LOL. But, for a while I have been on a quilting quest. I started a new contemporary modern quilt for my daughter about a month ago. The inspiration fabric is black and white with little pops of bright lime green color. There is just a touch of grey in the background fabric and I have been experimenting with grey and white stripes for the filler strips. Over and over I have been looking online, foraging through all the quilt shops and it just seems like there is either no grey fabric or it is just not the right shades. Today while I was watching Gracie's video and noticing her color changes from an earlier segment, it finally hit me. The perfect shades of grey are our beautiful companions. From the time I brought Java home, I have been influenced in my quilting and home decorating by our greys. I tried painting a bathroom in shades of grey and could not get the "right" paint. This quilt is exactly the greys and the lime green is in Java's lower body, her "pantaloons". Now all I need to do is take Gilbert and Java to the fabric store and say "These are my shades of grey, where can I find them in your fabric?" Why did it take me so long to figure this out? Who knew Gracie would be the "artist's" muse? Thank you Gracie.

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I say take your flock with you to the fabric store and match those colors.


There is something quite restful about the colors that nature gives us. Its funny but without meaning to I find my own tastes in decorating mimic what the earth provides. Shades of browns and woods as the base, creamy beige with flecks of color (nicknacks on solid cappuccino colored shelves) for the center and navy, greens or creamy yellow beige covering windows that are set near the ceiling. The only room that doesn't follow this is the kitchen where I have bold and high gloss reds.

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I am retired, but I work part time at Wal-Mart.

A lady brought her dog in to match a brown on the dogs ear for paint.

She told the greeter at the door that the dog was a service dog so they let it in.

They put the dogs ear under the spectro and matched the color.

Edited by Ray P
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Why don't you go to a paint store and get a paper color pallet. I have one and it works for matching colors great.


As for the books: Ha, ha Dee, I really thought, oh boy someone who has read the books. Yes there are three and they are set in my State of Washington. Naughty, naughty!!! LOL!!

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You guys are so funny. Ray, that is a good one, I will remember it. Can you imagine the guys at the paint counter if I bring them Gilbert? He might take a chunk out of the spectro and anyone standing near it. LOL. And Wingy, my husband likes the earth tones and I like vibrant contemporary colors. I compromise by using all the earth tones and leaving the windows uncovered to let the outdoors in and we have a beautiful wooded lot right up to the back door. Then, I use bright colors in my quilts but even that is a little overwhelming to my family. I am really getting into this modern quilt movement where it is improvisational but the quilt shops are still in the traditional soothing colors. Janet, I am glad I drew someone in with my provocative subject line, it is all I am seeing in the online news, apparently a lot of people love it and some don't. It would probably scare the beejeebers out of my husband to see a copy laying around, I may have to buy one just to play with his mind. LOL. Thanks for the great ideas and a little bit of fun.

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