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Timneh Grey not sure if she's plucking or not


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I have a Timneh Grey that is a little over a year old. She started pulling feathers but not all the way to the skin. She still has down. And she pulled out her tail feathers. I'm not sure if she is really becoming a plucker or if she is just molting. I have other birds and they are molting. She is eating well and playing, doesn't seem to have any other issues. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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We would need to know more to be able to give you any ideas of what might be going on but first things first. Have you taken her to see an avian vet to rule out any physical reasons for the plucking? That is the first route to finding out what is going on, if she is healthy then it is more than likely behavioral and that accounts for most plucking problems. Has there been any changes in her environment, anything different lately because it could be most anything that causes the plucking. It might not seem like anything to us but the slightest change could trigger an episode of plucking so you will have to think back to when she first started it, it could be a new piece of furniture, a new perfume you are wearing, someone new to the household, you get the gist of what I am saying.

If you could provide us a picture of her it would help also.

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Hi Judyh, Welcome to the forum. A bird has to stay flighted during a molt in the wild or it would be in big trouble. So that's the most obvious sign to look for. A bird can't fly when they're missing more than a few wing or tail feathers. Sorry, but your fid is plucking.


There are various degrees of plucking, though. Some fids will only go after a particular spot. Often, that's a sign that something physical is wrong. From your description your girl is technically feather barbering. That's where they aren't leaving bald spots for the most part. Generally they take out the bigger feathers, leaving mostly down.


I'd second everything Judygram said. Something is apparently out of whack. You should check as soon as possible to see if it's physical. If the vet gives her a clean bill of health, post some more of the back story & we can try to help you figure this out as soon as possible to avoid her becoming a chronic plucker.


Either way, please let us know how things are going & maybe post something about your TAG & other birds in the Welcome & Introduction forum. It might help us get a better understanding of what's going on w/your TAG. But we all like meeting new faces, too. :cool:

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