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hiya all just to let you know im back.been trying to build my life and strength back up. after speaking to a few of you last time i was on i have been in and out of hospital not realising something was seriously goin wrong with my hips kept coming in and out of joint. they took me back in hospital only to find i had 13 heirline fractures in both hips thats why they kept coming out of joint very painful when i was in bed. the news came of my gran passing away came to us on sept 6th she had heart failure at 85. on a happier note no more goin back n fourth to hospital all sorted im trying to walk on a stick but getting no luck im not gonna push it now at all. be stil in my wheelie with buddy on the handle bars saying come on mum. glad to be back yet again love to all mandi xxxxxxxxxxxx

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Hi Mandi, it's great to hear from you again.


What a time you have had over the last Months!!


It's good to hear that you are up, around and tkaing it easy it just making the best of it as you can. :-)


Stay in touch, we love hearing from you and know that you are in our prayers!!

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Glad to have you back Mandi, we sure have missed your company here. You certainly have had a difficult time and I know you are struggling but you are on the right road now and hopefully it will be all down hill from now on.

Buddy has been a lifesaver for you hasn't he, he loves his mummy and you have to stay well for him now.


So sorry about your granny but death is a part of life and at 85 I'm sure she had a long and happy one and is now enjoying her just rewards.


Glad you are back and don't stay away so long, we want to hear from you more often.

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Guest briansmum

so good to hear from you mandi, i was just thinking about you the other day. what did they do to your hips? i have titanium pins and plates in my pelvis to keep mine in place, looks nasty on the x-ray but it got me out of my wheel chair, then i had crutches, then a walking stick the whole process of learning to walk again took me 2 years but i can walk without any aid now :) you're a strong person with a loving husband and gorgeous grey bird, you can do it! :kiss:


i'm so sorry to hear about your gran passing. my thoughts are with you xxx

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Guest briansmum

is there no more they can do than that? do you have a relly good orthapedic surgeon. mine wouldn't stop till he'd fixed me and still wants to see me every few months. i dont think they should be telling you to go home and rest if the same keeps happening :kiss:

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beccy i have got hyper mobility syndrome which means it will keep coming in and out of joint no matter what happens i was born like it apparently but it dont show til ya in ya 20s hence why it started in shoulders at 23.it will spread into other joints what i have got left thats not got it yet. unfortunatley the specialists i seen wont do any op for replacements because simply they wont work

i havent got much sockets left nor the joint itself.mine are like a rubber band snapping. been told this since i was 23 theres nowt they can do .

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