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I'm sure this question has probably been asked before, but what is the best way to get a Grey used to us? I know they will usually bond with one person and just tolerate the rest of the family. I have known him for about 21yrs, so he knows me but never bonded with me. I'm hoping he will once he settles into our home. Should we both work with him equally or should we let him get used to us one at a time? Will he want to bond with both of us? Or is it a good idea me to work with him first and then let my husband work with him. I know it is going to take time and I don't want him to be overwhelmed. Thanks!

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By the time a bird is 21 yrs old, it's usually set in it's ways. The personality has pretty much developed. yes, you both should work with him eqully but don't expect the same types of results that a person gets when their bird is a baby. No one can tell if he'll seriously bond with anyone. Your best bet is to get the bird to like you both and be happy with that.


~~~I have known him for about 21yrs, so he knows me but never bonded with me. I'm hoping he will once he settles into our home.~~~

Don't wish or hope for that. Liking botrh of you is more important that the bird bonding with one person.

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I will be happy as long as he is. :)


Good, having that easy train of thought usually brings success. Bonding isn't all it's made out to be. Many people have a hard time in a house when a bird is only bonded to one person. That's why I always say to people that have just gotten a baby bird that the most important first step to do is to socialize the bird into all members of the family. It's better for the family and the bird if the bird accepts the whole family as opposed to only one person.

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Bonding isn't all it's made out to be.


Dave, you hit the nail on the head!!


I've had my CAG since he was only a few months old. He's completely bonded to me....and let me tell you, it can be exhausting. Especially in the summer when displaced aggression runs high! I brought my TAG home in his late 20s. While we will never have the close contact relationship so many parrot owners desire, he's a fantastic bird. Cuddles and head scratches? No way.

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We as a family, always worked together to care for our birds. Cleaning cages, feeding, etc. we all did it. Sure... our rescue Sunny loves Ryan the best. BUT... Ryan is off in college, so Sunny is happy with Sean and I.Kiki loves Sean the most, BUT, I have been home alot past month, Kiki follows me everywhere! Found her in my bedroom the other day. Sophie my grey, is the least picky who will show her attention. We all do. I am the one who provides rules and expectations, Ryan, is the fun one, plays the guitar and sings. Sean is the one to play games. We all serve a purpose to Sophie. Hense... she steps up to all of us because we all have something to offer! Nancy

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