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Chucking food


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Beckette doesn't actually throw her food, she just gets it stuck to her beak, and then shakes her head violently to get it off. Needless to say it sticks to anything that it touches, and sets up like concrete!!! I would rather sweep the floor than scrub the cage and walls :laugh: Rotten bird!

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Dan, you have to try spaghetti on Dayo, it is a favorite of Josey's, any kind of pasta or rice is gobbled up. Just do as Zooky does, let him eat on the counter with ya, thats what Josey does and she eats right out of my plate, and then only the counter needs cleaning, wipe and all done.:laugh:

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Yeah - Uh Huh - Right.... Judy, but don't tell me he is also going to sling the Spaghetti all over my face and shirt too!!!!


Sometimes your just not right!!! I can just see the flying Spaghetti and Meatball monster coming at me now..



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You are too much Dan, I love your graphics, but when Josey eats spaghetti she does not sling it all over the place, it goes down her gullet, she gobbles it up like there was no tomorrow. You should try some and see how Dayo likes it, I bet he digs in.:woohoo:

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Dan, I suggest you try the spaghetti solo, without the sauce.... Not that I dont believe Judy when she says there will be no mess, but my ceilings, light fittings, walls, floors, windows, and doors say otherwise!


But she does love it so!

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Yes I can help you. You must never yell at the bird. 1. The yelling is a reward in the form of attention; if you have yelled previously for throwing food, then the bird is throwing it now, in order to get a reaction. It may want more attention from you. 2. You can buy a dish that has a dome top, I have one of those, and if my female starts throwing food, then I ignore it; however, at my next early opportunity I calmly walk over and switch the dish, to the one with the dome top. That way it's hard for the bird to stand in the dish and pick up food and throw it because they have to duck under the top. Then it's not fun, they can't see you, and it's dark in there. Try getting a dish with a dome shaped top, they're crocks made of ceramic, they ahve a little nut and screw and can be hung on the side of the cage. Good luck. Never yell, it'll reinforce the unwanted behavior. These birds are very sensitive. The rule with parrots is ignore bad behavior (no reaction) and reward good behaviour with treats and attention.

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I recommend keeping a hand vac nearby just for birdie spills. I have had a dirt devil hand vac near the bird cage for five years. I use it only for picking up dry stuff that lands on the floor. It works great, you have to adapt to a lifestyle change. You just have to expect that 50% of the food will not be eaten, it goes with the territory, they can't use a spoon.

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Yes, they love those sunflower seeds. Unfortunately, they are fattening, and cause feeding problems because the bird will hold out waiting for his seeds, and not eat his pellets or cooked veggies. I'd never put the seeds in there first. I don't give sunflower seeds on a daily basis, and when I do, only about a dozen. It is birdie candy, like feeding your kids candy bars instead of a meal. No child will eat spinach if he has a bowl of ice cream.

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hi becky,

You might try investing in a ceramic crock bowl that has a dome shaped top cover on it. They don't tend to throw their food as much because they can't stand inside the bowl. It works for me. Good luck.


You should be able to find them at the bird supply shop, they are ceramic, and looks like a little birdhouse, there is a round hole in the front, and a nut and screw/washer that fits through a little hole in the back of the crock, where you fix it to the cage.


I have three of them and they work.

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Hi Birds mom

I dont know why your messages were coming in twice? But I consider my knuckles well and truly rapped.


As I stated in my first and second post I have not yelled at her in several months as it didnt work, and I have also stopped taking the dish and giving it back.


I will "adapt to my lifestyle change" and sweep the floor ten times daily, as the ceramic bowls you mention are not available here.

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siobha9 wrote:

Dan, I suggest you try the spaghetti solo, without the sauce.... Not that I dont believe Judy when she says there will be no mess, but my ceilings, light fittings, walls, floors, windows, and doors say otherwise! But she does love it so!


LOL - Now that's something I never want to see in my home if I can avoid it!! :-)


I will try the spaghetti with no sauce though, Dayo likes Pasta! I can also easily remove Pasta from Wall, Ceiling and Floors.


Thanks for the tip!!

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BirdMom - Thanks for all the good tips on the heavy enclosed ceramic bowls and Sunflower seed quantities.


I leave Dayo's food bowls all on the Cage bottom where he seems to spend most his time. I found that when placing the SS bowls in the holders mid-level in the cage, I had the same issue with Dayo standing on top of the front corner bowl and flinging out his food with one foot while watching and calling to us.


Your experience and advice is very helpful. :-)

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  • 10 months later...

I know this is old, but am really glad I found it! My girl does the whole thing of looking at you while grabbing a foot full then tossing it. Drives me nuts!:ohmy: Oh, well!! Still love her unconditionally!{Love-000200D9} Glad to know it isn't just my girl and other owners deal with it also!

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