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King's Cage Safety Leash: Is this even a good idea???


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Dave is right, a dvd comes with the aviator that shows you how to introduce it to your parrot. My best advice is go slow and only at the speed your grey will take it, so as to avoid a fright/hate of it. They need to be slowly conditioned to it as the video points out. It took a couple of months to get dayo to the point of fully harnessing him and taking him outside. After that, when I wished to take him with me and he did not want the harness put on, I respected that and left him in the house. Sometimes he was ready to go with total acceptance of being harness. It's a two way street in my opinion. :)

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Dan, I hope Dayo grows to get along with the leash. For sure, going slowly is the way to go.


I have considered trying this leash on Sterling Gris, 505g, but I still think the weight of the latches would tire him out and make the adventure unpleasant. It is true that the leash is not to be used for flight, I mentioned the uplift Ana Grey had because she is so small and did have liftoff to the top of the couch. I think Sterling Gris would be able to really fly and then would crash after tiring from the weight. Perhaps a docile grey/parrot would tolerate this leash better but how would you keep the weight of the latches off of the legs?

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wondering what was dans thoughts after the getting use to over weeks trial. I have never owned a grey...... but stumbled across this while looking at this product. many years ago I owned a blue and gold...... that bird went everywhere with me! and all I had to secure him was a long string tied to his leg band. not the best plan of action I realize now..... back then I dont recall harness for birds. but the point of my story is my bird went out with me daily on bike rides walks and car rides. he always had the string on him....... he only one time spooked and fluttered to the ground where I quickly retrieved him. I used the string for over 5 years.... my husband got the bird in the divorce or he would still be with me. I just got a new bg and plan to try this product with him. I do believe that it can be a good thing because it would be quick and easy to take your bird with you. I tend to carry mine with hand on feet until they are use to going out and not as likely to startle....... I think it is a good thing I sure hope it works as well as I hope. I know after the first few times I used a string on my bird years ago he knew he was attached and didnt even try to go from me. he would ride on my back as I rode a bicycle and loved it! I am looking forward to trying this

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Dayo took a while to get used to this. After weeks I have gotten it on quickly and he will just sit on my arm or shoulder while we walk around the house or outside. He has no problem flying with it until the coil extends and then just hovers back to my arm or shoulder. These of course are not flight harnesses and are made strictly for being able to take your bird outside on you or attached to a perch/T-stand. They work perfectly for their intended use. Now that it has turned cold, Dayo will not be going outside for another 5 months now.


I think it will work perfectly for outings with your Macaw once you have gotten it used to it. Just slow as you go so it does not have a bad experience with it. Macaws by nature are much more docile and easy going than a grey.

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