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King's Cage Safety Leash: Is this even a good idea???


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Was looking at cages on King's Cages site and saw this new product. It's esentially two metal clips that loop around your birds ankles and act as a leash. Looks like a bird version of what held together a chain gang. Do these seem safe or even a good idea to anyone?





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I am purchasing one for Dayo. This method has been used for eons with hawks. It's just leather does not work for parrots as they chew through it in a heart beat. Thus the metal clips. The reason I like it, is it will be on in 10 seconds versus that aviator harness is a chore with Dayo many times. He loves to go outside with us, but many times fights the harness and we don't push it when he does to ensure he gets to where he never wants to have the aviator on again. He has been like this with the harness since we started using it when he was 18 weeks old. The tethers will be easy because he lets us play with his feet and legs all the time and file his nails etc.

Edited by danmcq
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I am purchasing one. Thanks for the info FirstPenguin. Established members may remember that I had a man who made leg harnesses for raptors make Ana Grey a leather leg harness a while back. I still have it for Ana Grey. This one I like as it will cover both legs for more security. You do need to be able to handle your parrot's legs which I can do with my greys.

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Something about it has me a bit weirded out. I hope that anyone who buys one posts some video and gives us some feed back. Jake will not let me touch his wings so the Aviator would be useless. He doesn't mind me touching his feet and legs so this might be an option.

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I was very comforted to see the smaller sizes, as the one pictured here is the Large and looked very weighty for my little girls. Please do keep this thread active with updates from anyone giving it a try!

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The video did put me at ease regarding it's size and scale to the bird. The product shots on the site make it look like these huge shackles. However, I wouldn't trust Marc Marone with my birds welfare. I also wonder how easily smarter parrots will be able to figure out how to operate that spring loaded (I'm assuming it's spring loaded) bit that holds it closed. If parrots can regularly escape from cages who says they won't figure this out while you've got your head turned.


I also noticed that 15 of the 18 thumbs up or down are down on the youtube video.

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It looks like leg chains without the chain. They've replaced the actual chain w/what appears to be coated aircraft cable (think dog tie, bicycle or computer security cable). Then added metal snaps, rings & swage sleeves; things that I'm fairly familiar with. I'm guesstimating the combined weight for the fid will be very similar to the leg irons worn by human prisoners back in the day. I would imagine having the snaps bumping together would be almost as comfortable.


There's some fairly good reasons why leg chains are illegal in countries like Sweden & Australia. They can cause severe injury to a parrot if it spooks or falls. The chain itself doesn't usually have much to do w/this. When the velocity of a bird's take off or fall is brought up short it can result in possible bone fracture, but more likely dislocated joints (especially hips) & torn ligaments. Extremely painful injuries & torn ligaments often aren't repairable.


Parrot & raptor legs are just different, as I understand it. Parrot leg bones being weaker & proportionately shorter, for instance. They aren't designed to snatch live, heavy, writhing prey & hurtle skyward. But because raptors' evolution has designed them for this, their leg can better withstand some of the force of being brought up short or tugging by an extremely soft, pliant, fitted jess & leash.


These snaps were not designed for anything like this purpose, either. I'd be concerned that they'd bounce & rub along the legs, joints & claws, potentially causing chaffing & swelling as well.


The reason I suspect that is because I have a problem w/my little, boney wrists where several times I've had major issues because of a loose watch or solid, bangle type bracelet. Just from a few hours of bouncing where that bone bumps out, my wrist has swollen so badly that I haven't been unable to use it for as much as a couple of weeks. And I will tell you it's extremely painful & there's nothing to be done in the meantime. Given the way a parrot squats, I have to question the potential for those snaps to hit the hocks & create some issues.


This rig just looks dodgy to me.

Edited by birdhouse
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I was thinking of getting a harness (Aviator seems to be what everyone chooses??) for my new baby. He will be 20 weeks on Sunday. I am bringing him home Friday and know this will be an adjustment period for him so when would it be okay to start trying the harness with him? I'd like to get him used to it early so I have a better chance of accepting it. This contraption looks kinda scary to me, but I have seem it used in much larger birds so I understand the concept. Would this be a better option?

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Interesting, but not something I would use on our parrots. Predatory birds have very strong legs to be able to deal with the prey they capture and our greys don't wrestle with food that fights back so their legs are for standing on their perch and climbing. I would be afraid something would happen to their legs as they are not strong like a predatory bird.

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I completly agree with the people who are leery of this product . When I look at this device, all I see is another item to control a bird.


One thing I must say--there's nowhere in the video that says that it's a replacement for a flight harness but from looking at it I can see that its a replacement for a tether which allows about 7 to 10 ft leash which doesn't allow the bird to fly away! The tether was the first restraint made and sold to control birds and it still can be purchsed. Then the flight suit was invented. A tether also has metal clasps just like the ones pictured. Look it up for yourself. A tether is an item that aloows a bird to be walked around in the street or kept on a shoulder. The first thing people say or think when they see this item is *replcement for flight harness* Look at that coiled cord. Do you really think that a parrot has the strength to stretch that out?? And where is there any info on how a bird can return to the owner???

Edited by Dave007
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I was thinking of getting a harness (Aviator seems to be what everyone chooses??) for my new baby.... so when would it be okay to start trying the harness with him? ... Would this be a better option?



In my opinion, an aviator harness would be a much better option. I've seen a number of members take their fids harnesses w/them while they were visiting them during weaning.


:) Congrats on the new baby, btw!!

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My, lots of comments but not one from someone who has tried this gizmo. I believe that I have a relationship strong enough with my Ana Grey to try this device to see if it is feasible to use on my beloved grey. As for tethering our greys. Don't we do that anyway; anytime we keep them from flying away by clipping, aviator harnessing, etc. The point is, is that they don't fly away. The springy part, I believe, is more or less a cushion. Could I try this on my ZON, Louie? No, he does not trust me enough. My CAG Sterling is a fraidy cat. My TAG, Ana Grey is my bud. I have to personally see this contraption and see if it is something safe to try to use on my friend. I'm excited! Ana Grey and I will try this together and see if we can both live with it.... or not.

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